Mr. Dennis, of Somerset, from the committee on Ways
and Means, reported the bill entitled, an act making an ap-
propriation for the benefit of Mary E. Vernon;
Also, the bill entitled, an act to authorise the mayor and
city council of Baltimore to endorse the bonds of the North-
ern Central Railway company;
Also, the bill entitled, an act supplementary to an act ma-
king an appropriation for the erection of a hospital for the
insane of this State, passed at January session, 1858, of the
Legislature of Maryland, chapter 179;
Mr. Dennis, of Somerset, from the committee on Ways
and Means, reported unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act
to repeal sections eighteen and nineteen of article fifty-five
of the code of public general laws;
Also, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported favor-
ably on the bill entitled, an act to amend the 24th section of
sixth article of the code of public general laws relating to
enticing minors and apprentices from their parents or masters,
by making the same applicable to minors at schools or col-
leges, and to add a new section forbidding the sale of liquor
and other articles to students of schools, colleges and acade-
Which were severally read the first time.
Mr. Stake, from the committee on Corporations, reported
favorably on Senate bill entitled, an act to incorporate the
Clear Spring academy, in Washington county;
Mr. Goldsborough, from the committee on Corporations,
reported favorably on Senate bill entitled, an act to incor-
porate the Southern Slaveholders Insurance company, of
Mr. Coudy, from a special committee, reported favorably
on Senate bill entitled, an act to authorise the commissioners
of Washington county, and the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, to subscribe to the capital stock or endorse the
bonds of the Washington county Railroad company.
Mr. Mackubin, chairman of the committee on Claims, re-
ported favorably on the bill entitled, an act to authorise the
Treasurer of the State of Maryland, to pay to Johns Hop-
kins, the sum of money in the Treasury, which is payable to
the holder of a certain bond issued by the Annapolis and
Elkridge Railroad company, under the provisions of an act
passed at December session, 1841, chapter 168: