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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 768   View jpeg image (263K)
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768               JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [March 6,

Mr. Brining moved to make it the order of the day for
Thursday, at 11 o'clock;

Which was lost.

Mr. Griffith moved to lay the bill on the table;

Which was lost.

The question then recurring upon the motion of Mr. Gor-

The bill was made the order of the day for to-morrow, at
eleven o'clock;

Mr. Morgan, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to repeal sections from 490 to 534,
inclusive, of article 4, of the code of public local laws, and
to substitute the following sections therefor;

Which was read the first time, and made the order of the
day for to-morrow.

Mr. Mackubin moved a suspension of the rules to enable
him to report a bill from the committee on Claims;

Which was lost.

Mr. Dennis, of Worcester, offering the following order:

Ordered, That the Governor procure and deliver to the
county commissioners of Worcester county, on or before the
first day of June next, a standard of each of the several
kinds of weights and measures used at the custom house in
the city of Baltimore, according to the act of Assembly,
passed 8th March, 1826, chapter 206;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Morgan offered the following order:

Ordered, That no member of this House be allowed to
speak more than ten minutes at a time during the remainder
of the session, and but once on any subject, unless by permis-
sion of two-thirds of the members of the House;

Which was laid upon the table.

Mr. Durant, from a select committee, reported the bill en-
titled, an act to amend article 30 of the code of public gene-
ral laws of the State of Maryland, by adding thereto a fur-
ther section;

Also, the bill entitled, an act to repeal the 98th section of
article 18 of the code of local laws, relating to the compensa-


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 768   View jpeg image (263K)
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