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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 767   View jpeg image (261K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.          767

repealing the 42d, 43d, 44th; 45th, 46th, 55th, 56th, and 59th
sections of said article, and by adding thereto certain new
sections prohibiting manumission of negro slaves, prohibiting
and punishing the immigration of free negroes, providing a
board of police commissioners, and authorising free negroes
to renounce their freedom and become slaves, and report fa-
vorable upon the same, with amendments:

Which was concurred in.

The House adjourned at 2½ until 3½ o'clock, P. M.


The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present at the
call of the roll the following members:

Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Morgan, Medders, Mac-
kubin, Briscoe, Burgess, Ford, Worthington, Denison, of Bal-
timore county, Renshaw, Dennis, of Somerset, Linthicum,
Keene, Miller, Bryan, Legg, Starkey, Jacobs, Landing,
Dennis, of Worcester, Kessler, Salmon, Naill, Wilson, of
Harford, Bayless, McCoy, Straughn, Berry, McAllister,
Turner, of Baltimore city, Denison, of Baltimore city, Coudy,
Eakle, Brining, Stake, Gordon, Barnard, Beall, McCleary,
Roop and Gorsuch.

Mr. Gordon, from the committee on Corporations, reported
favorably on the bill entitled, an act concerning the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal company;

Mr. Gordon moved to make it the order of the day for to-
morrow, at 11 o'clock;

Mr. Coudy moved as a substitute to refer it to the commit-
tee on Internal Improvements;

Which was lost.

Mr. Brining moved to make it the order of the day for Fri-
day, at 11 o'clock;                       

Which was lost.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 767   View jpeg image (261K)
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