tion of the treasurer of the school fund of St. Mary's county,
and to enact the following section in lieu thereof;
Also, the bill entitled, an act to regulate the auditors of
the several courts of this State in making their final re-
Which were severally read the first time.
Mr. Miller, from a select committee, reported favorably on
the bill entitled, an act to make valid a deed from Samuel
Thomas, and Charlotte, his wife, Susan Thomas and Marga-
ret Thomas, to James Gillespie:
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to authorise John C.
Clark, junior, the committee or trustee of Thomas Sloan, a
lunatic, to fulfil a contract on the part of said lunatic, for the
sale of land in this State, or if necessary to enforce the exe-
cution thereof by suit;
Which were severally read the first time.
Mr. Bayless, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the Senate bill entitled, an act to exempt the citizens of
Harford county from the operation of laws heretofore enacted
in relation to shooting wild fowl in the waters of said county,
and to amend the 12th article of the code of public local
laws, by adding thereto certain sections relating to the shoot-
ing of such wild fowl;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Turner, of Howard, from a select committee, reported
favorably on the bill entitled, an act to authorise the com-
missioners of Howard county to levy upon the assessable pro-
perty of said county a sum of money not exceeding eight hun-
dred dollars, to build two school houses in the seventh pri-
mary school district, in the village of Ellicott's Mills; also,
to levy a sum of money not exceeding three hundred dollars,
to build a school house in school district No. 12, in said
Which was read the first time.
On motion of Mr. McCleary,
The bill entitled, an act to repeal the 72d, 73d, 74th, 75th,
76th, 77th and 78th sections of article 7 of the code of pub-
lic local laws, relating to flour inspections in the city of Cum-
berland, Allegany county;
Was read the second time, and by special order the third
time, and passed by yeas and nays as follow: