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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 761   View jpeg image (257K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE! OF DELEGATES.           761

in Calvert county, and provide for the establishment of a uni-
form system of free schools in said county;

Which was read the first time.

The Speaker laid before the House a memorial from sundry
citizens of Baltimore, in relation to the city passenger rail-

Also, a memorial from J. Hanson Thomas and others, on
the same subject;

Which were laid over for further action.
On motion of Mr. Long,

The rules were suspended to enable him to offer the fol-

Ordered, That the House will suspend its ordinary business
until 12 o'clock this morning, for the consideration of bills
reported by the committee on Ways and Means;

Which was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Long,

The bill entitled, an act to amend the 80th article of the
code of public general laws, by adding thereto the following
sections, imposing a tax on the commissions of certain offi-

Was taken up;

Said bill being upon its second reading:

Mr. Jones, of Talbot, proposed the following amendment:

In 15th line, printed bill, strike out "each judge of the Or-
phan's court of the several counties;"

Which was rejected.

Mr. Bayless proposed the following amendment:

After "ten dollars," at the end of the 18th line, insert:
"except the judges of the Orphans' court for Harford

Which was rejected.

Mr. Burgess proposed the following amendment:

Second section, 15th line, after the word "counties," strike
out "ten dollars," and insert, "six dollars;"

Which was rejected.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 761   View jpeg image (257K)
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