TUESDAY, March 6, 1860.
The House met pursuant to adjournment, and was opened
with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Davenport.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Morgan, Rasin, Med-
ders, Welch, Mackubin, Briscoe, Parran, Compton, Burgess,
Ford, Worthington, Denison, of Baltimore county, Quinlan,
Renshaw, Jones, of Talbot, Chaplain, Long, Stanford, Lawson,
Linthicum, Keene, Holland, "Wilson, of Cecil, Maxwell, Mil-
ler, Bryan, Jones, of Prince George's, Legg, Starkey, Jacobs,
Landing, Kessler, Claggett, Routzahn, Johnson, Salmon,
Naill, Wilson, of Harford, Bayless, McCoy, Straughn, Golds-
borough, Krafft, Booze, Seth, Berry, Crowley, McAllister,
Smith, Turner of Baltimore city, Denison, of Baltimore city,
Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Freaner, Stake, Griffith, Harding,
Gordon, Barnard, Beall, McCleary, Roop, Gorsuch, Mills,
Turner, of Howard, and Brown.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion of Mr. Briscoe,
The rules were suspended to enable him, from the commit-
tee on Claims, to report favorably on the bill entitled, an act
appropriating a sum of money to compensate Ezekiel F.
Chambers and Milton Whitney, for services rendered the
State in the trial of the case of William Frazier vs. Henry
M. Warfield, in the Superior court of Baltimore city, and in
the Court of Appeals, as counsel on the part of the State, by
appointment of the Governor;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to compensate Milton
Whitney, for the trial of certain cases in the Court of Ap-
peals, as counsel on the part of the State, by appointment of
the Governor;
Which were severally read the first time, and referred to
Messrs. Burgess, Freaner and Gordon.
Mr. Briscoe, from a select committee, reported favorably on
the bill entitled, an act to repeal the 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st,
62d, 63d, 64th, 66th, 67th, 68th and 69th sections of article
4, of the public local laws of this State, relating to schools