article, by adding thereto certain new sections prohibiting
manumission of negro slaves, prohibiting and punishing the
immigration of free negroes, providing a board of police com-
missioners, and authorising them to sell and bind out free
negroes, and authorising free negroes to renounce their free-
dom and become slaves.
After some time spent in committee of the whole, the com-
mittee rose, and through Mr. Stake, chairman, reported that
they had had the bill entitled, an act to amend the 65th arti-
cle of the code of public general laws by repealing the 42d,
43d, 44th, 45th, 46th, 55th, 56th, and 59th sections of said
article, and by adding thereto certain new sections prohibit-
ing manumission of negro slaves, prohibiting and punishing
the immigration of free negroes, providing a board of police
commissioners, and authorising them to sell and bind out
free negroes, and authorising free negroes to renounce their
freedom and become slaves under consideration, had made
some progress thereon, and asked leave to sit again.
Which was concurred in.
Mr. Legg, from a select committed reported favorably on
the Senate bill entitled, an act to continue in force the act to
incorporate the Queen Anne's and Kent county Railroad
Mr. Freaner, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to amend the 134th and 135th
sections of article 21st of the public local laws relating to
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Barnard, from a select committee, reported the bill en-
titled, an act to provide for the compensation of James M.
Schley for certain services performed by him in the Court of
Appeals of Maryland;
Which was read the first time, and referred to the com-
mittee on Claims.
Mr. Worthington, from a select committee, reported favor-
ably on the bill entitled, an act to make valid a deed from
Arthur I. Rich and wife to the vestry of St. Michael's Church,
in Baltimore county;
Which was read the first time, and referred to the Balti-
more county delegation.