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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 747   View jpeg image (275K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.           747

Mr. Eakle, from a select committee, reported favorably on
the bill entitled, an act to authorise the trustees of the Mount
Pleasant School-house, near Bakersville, in Washington coun-
ty, to sell the same and appropriate the funds to the building
of an other school-house on the Bakersville Church lot;

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Wash-
ington county delegation.

Mr. Linthicum, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to incorporate a company to con-
struct a pier or wharf in the waters of Slaughter creek, in
Dorchester county;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Legg, from a special committee, reported favorably on
the Senate bill entitled, an act to amend the 7th section, ar-
ticle 97th, of the public general laws;

Also, on the bill entitled, an act to widen and straighten
the public road from Beaver Dam via Dixon's Tavern and
Sudlersville to Coppage's Landing, in Queen Anne's county;

Which was read the first time.

Also, reported unfavorably on the Senate bill entitled, an
act to exempt the citizens of Dorchester county from the pro-
visions of the laws heretofore enacted in regard to wild fowl,
so far as the same may relate directly or indirectly to the
shooting of wild ducks, geese and swan on the Choptank river,
below Oyster Shell point.

The hour having arrived, the House took up for consider-
ration the report of the committee in the ease of Judge

Mr. Gordon presented the opinion of Judge Stump in the
case of William G. Ford;

Which was read, and ordered to be printed.
(See Document JJ.)

The Hon. Judge Henry Stump then appeared before the
bar of the House, and made his defence.

At the close of his remarks;

On motion of Mr. Freaner,
A call of the House was ordered.
Upon the call of the roll,


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 747   View jpeg image (275K)
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