Also, presented a petition from F. Knode and others, of
Washington, Frederick and Montgomery counties, hucksters,
asking the repeal of the law imposing fines upon Sunday
Referred to the Washington and Montgomery county dele-
On motion of Mr. Freaner,
Leave was granted Messrs. Freaner, Briscoe and Dennis,
of Somerset, to introduce a bill to amend the 2d section of the
67th article of the code of public general laws, which pre-
scribes before whom certain officials shall take the oath of
office, by excepting the Comptroller from the provision
Also, leave was granted Messrs. Freaner, Briscoe and Den-
nis, of Somerset, to introduce a bill to amend the 1st, 2d and
4th sections of the 22d article of the code of public general
laws relating to the qualification and bond of the Comptroller,
by authorising the Comptroller to qualify and give bond be-
fore a judge of the Court of Appeals, and authorising such
judge to approve his bond.
On motion of Mr. Salmon,
Leave was granted the committee on the Militia to intro-
duce a bill to pay to Captain John Ritchie, of the Junior
Defenders, for services rendered at Harper's Ferry, on the
17th, 18th and 19th of October, 1859.
Also, leave was granted the Frederick county delegation to
introduce a bill to incorporate the trustees of the Methodist
Protestant church of New Market, Frederick county.
On motion of Mr. Keene,
Leave was granted the Dorchester county delegation to in-
troduce bill entitled, an act to repeal the 67th section of the
30th article of the code of public general laws relating to
gunning, so far as the same relates to Dorchester county.
On motion of Harding,
Leave was granted the Montgomery county delegation to
introduce a bill for the relief of Samuel T. Stonestreet, late
clerk of Montgomery county.
On motion of Mr. McAllister,
Leave was granted the Baltimore city delegation to intro-
duce a bill entitled, an act to amend article 4 of the code of
public local laws, by repealing sections 590 and 591 of said
article relating to the number of justices of the peace and con-