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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 539   View jpeg image (274K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.           539

troduce a bill to provide for the copying or transcribing one
of the record books in the office of the register of wills of
Montgomery county.

Also, leave was granted the Montgomery county delega-
tion to introduce a bill for the relief of John Honesty, a free
negro man of London county, State of Virginia.

On motion of Mr. Griffith,

Leave was granted the Montgomery county delegation to
introduce a bill to allow George W. Chiswell, late collector
for third election district of Montgomery county, further time
to complete his collections.

Mr. Goldsborough, chairman of the committee on Corpora-
tions, made the following


The committee on Corporations, to whom was recommitted
ft bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Curtis' Creek Bridge
company, have the second time had the same under conside-
ration, and finding no reason why said bill should not be-
come a law, report the said bill favorably.

Chairman Committee on Corporations.

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, an act to incorporate
the Union Rosine Association, of Baltimore city;

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, "A further supplement
to the act entitled, an act to incorporate the Mutual Insur-
ance Company of Frederick county ;''

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, "an act to incorporate
a company to make a turnpike road from the west end of
Uniontown, in Carroll county, to the completed terminus of
the Westminster and Hagerstown Turnpike Road ;"

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, an act for the incor-
poration of the Grand Section Improved Order Cadets of Tem-
perance of the State of Maryland ;"

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, an act amendatory of
an act entitled, "an act to incorporate the Towsontown Rail
Road Company, passed at the January session, 1858, (chap-
ter 372;")

Also, favorably on the bill entitled, " an act to amend an
act entitled, an act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Com-
pany of Allegany county, passed at December session, 1849,


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 539   View jpeg image (274K)
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