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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 37   View jpeg image (279K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.             37

Mr. Dennis, of Somerset, offered the following :

Ordered, That John Cullem have leave to withdraw from
the files the papers in the matter of his petition, presented to
the House of Delegates at the session of 1856.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Gordon offered the following order :

Ordered, That leave he granted to withdraw from the
files, the memorial presented to this House, yesterday, in the
case of Hon. Judge Stump, for the purpose of presenting it
to the Senate.

Which was adopted.

Mr. Morgan offered the following :

Ordered, That the Speaker of this House, he and he is
hereby respectfully requested to procure from His Excellency,
the Governor, all the election returns for members of this

Which was adopted.

Mr. Jones, of Prince George's, presented a petition of sun-
dry citizens of Prince George's county, praying for the
establishment of an additional primary school, in the first
election district of Prince George's county.

Referred to Prince George's county delegation.
On motion of Mr. Stanford,

Leave was granted the committee on Judiciary to report a
bill, authorising the sale of the real estate of the infant
children of Jonathan H. Jackson.

On motion of Mr. Roop,

Leave was granted the Carroll county delegation, to in-
troduce a bill to authorise the clerk of the Circuit Court for
Carroll county, to record a deed from Lydia Mitten to Jesse
Lambert, and to validate the same.

On motion of Mr. Jacobs,

Leave was granted the Worcester county delegation to re-
port a bill to make valid a deed from Sewell T. Collins and
Henrietta D. Collins, his wife, to Elijah Register.

On motion of Mr. Worthington,

Leave was granted the Baltimore county delegation to
bring a bill to authorise the county commissioners of Balti-
more county, to subscribe five thousand dollars to the stock
of the Liberty Road Turnpike company.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 37   View jpeg image (279K)
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