Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed to report
rules for the regulation of the House, and that the rules of the
last House of Delegates be and are hereby adopted until the .
committee have reported.
The Speaker appointed as said committee, Messrs. Hall. Ken-
nedy, Partridge, Wickes, and Plowden.
On motion of Mr. Lester,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore City Delegation to intro-
duce a bill to make valid a deed from Joseph P. Beck, and Julia
A. Beck, his wife, in favor of Sarah Dixon, of the city of Bal-
On motion of Mr. Goldsborough,
Ordered, That the State Librarian is hereby requested to pro-
cure a sufficient number of copies of the Constitution of this
State, with marginal notes, and to furnish each Member of this
House with a copy of the same.
Mr. Partridge presented a memorial from Charles J. M.
Gwinn, praying compensation for certain cases argued in the
Court of Appeals by the appointment of the Governor, with the
vouchers thereto;
Which were read and referred to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary hereafter to be appointed.
Mr. Lester presented a petition from William Pritchard, of the
city of Baltimore, asking permission to bring certain slaves from
Virginia into the State of Maryland;
Which was read, and referred to the Committee on Colored
Population hereafter to be appointed.
On motion of Mr. Wickes,
Ordered, That the Door-keeper be required to procure seats
for the Delegates from Worcester county, without delay; and
that the seats so provided shall be together.
On motion of Mr. Partridge,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary here-
after to be appointed, to introduce a bill to punish false person-
ation; for the punishment of forgery and fraud; to punish mali-
cious injuries to property; to punish persons guilty of perjury ;
for the punishment of adultery; to punish secret or forcible
confinement or abduction; and a bill to make certain offences
Mr. Dail offered the following order,
Ordered, That the memorial and accompanying papers in the
case of the heirs of Thomas Woolford, late an officer in the War
of the Revolution, presented at the last session of the Legisla-
ture, be withdrawn from the files of the House.
Which was read and adopted :