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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 473   View pdf image
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1856.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.         473

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Merrick presented a petition of sundry citizens of Charles
county, praying the grant of authority to the county commission-
ers of Charles county, to levy upon the assessable property of
said county, a sum sufficient for the support of Mrs. Charles
Ann Davis, an indigent widow of said county;                     

Which was referred to the Charles county delegation.

And a petition of sundry citizens of Charles county, praying
for the passage of a supplement to the act of 1853, chapter 245,
so as to extend protection to all the increase of the property of
married women against debts and liabilities of the husband, and
securing the same to her sole and special use;                               

Which was referred to the committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Rowles presented a bill entitled, an act to sell the State's
unpreferred stock in the Baltimore and Ohio railroad;                   

Which was read the first time and referred to the committee on
Internal Improvements.

On motion of Mr. Harris,                                                 

Leave was granted to bring in a bill to authorise the commis-
sioners of St. Mary's county to change a certain landing and
road in said county.

Which was referred to Charles and St. Mary's delegation.

Mr. Stack presented a petition of Ennals Hubbard, John
Malear and 28 other persons, requesting the Legislature not to
interfere or disturb the charter of the Farmers' and Merchants
Bank of Greensborough, for reasons therein set forth.

Mr. Stack presented a petition of James Stewart, Francis Gadd
and 66 other persons, requesting the Legislature not to interfere
or disturb the charter of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of
Greensborough, for reasons therein set forth.

Mr. Stack presented a petition of Jacob Allburgher, Wm. T.
Willis and 61 other persons, requesting the Legislature not to
interfere or disturb the charter of the Farmers' and Merchants'
Bank of Greensborough, for reasons therein set forth.

Mr. Stack presented a petition of Isaac Mason and 32 other
persons, requesting the Legislature not to interfere or disturb the
charter of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Greensborough,
for reasons therein set forth.

Mr. Roberts reported a bill entitled, an act to establish a State
Military Academy at the town of Oxford, in Talbot county.


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 473   View pdf image
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