1916] OF THE SENATE. 1349
from the appropriation for State printing for this session.
Which favorable report was adopted and order passed by yeas
and nays as f ollows :
President Chesley Harrison Mudd Speicher
Archer Collier Holmead Norris Warfield
Bennett Cooper Johnson Ogden Zihlman
Bomberger Duvall Jones Parsons
Brown Frick Joy Shepherd Total—23
Messrs.— NEGATIVE.
Allen Legg Williams Total—3
Also unfavorably the following order by Mr. Legg: Ordered:
That the sum of twenty-five ($25) dollars each be paid to Wil-
liam L. Schultz and G. H. Wright, representatives of the
Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis and the Annaoplis
Short Line railroads, respectively, for courtesies and extra
services extended to the members of the Senate during the
Session of 1916, in providing special trains during the late
sessions; to be taken from the appropriation of 1914 for ex-
penses of the Session of 1916. Which unfavorable report was
adopted and order rejected by yeas and nays as follows:
Archer Duvall Johnson Legg Total—4
Messrs.— NEGATIVE.
President Chesley Holmead Norris Speicher
Allen Collier Jones ' Ogden Warfield
Bennett Cooper Joy Parsons Williams
Bomberger Frick Mudd Shepherd Zihlman
Brown Harrison Total—22
Also unfavorably the following order by Mr. Duvall:
Ordered, That Charles Kellert, Walter Ford and Walter Ken-
dall, telegraph operators, be paid the sum of fifty dollars
($50), and Albert Mills and Daniel Parkinson, messengers, be
paid the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) for extra service
rendered the General Assembly of Maryland for 1916; to be
taken from the appropriation for legislative expenses for Ses-
sion of 1916. [Which unfavorable report was adopted.]
Also unfavorably the following order by Mr. Duvall:
Ordered, That Francis Geraci, William Doyle and Lloyd Lilly
be paid the sum of fifty dollars (f 50) f or extra services as pages
for the Session of the Senate for 1916; to be taken from appro-
priation for legislative expenses for Session of 1916. [Which
unfavorable report was adopted.]