1916] OF THE SENATE. 1243
'Public Debt—For the payment of the interest on the public
debt of the State, one million and seventy-five thousand dol-
lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
'Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sums of money
hereby appropriated are hereby declared to be in lieu of any
and all annual or continuing appropriations heretofore re-
ceived by any hereinbefore-mentioned person, persons, body
corporate, institutions, State, county or city boards, commis-
sions, bureaus, departments, officers, officials or employes, in
accordance with the provisions of any laws, Acts, resolutions,
or parts thereof, heretofore at any time passed or enacted
by any General Assembly of the State of Maryland, whereby
any appropriation or appropriations have been made payable,
in whole or in part, out of the funds of the general treasury
of the State.
'Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Treasurer of
the State, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, shall disburse
the said sum or sums of money herein appropriated for the
objects and purposes herein specified to or upon the order of
the person or persons, or body politic or corporate, entitled
to receive the same; provided, however, that all of the appro-
priations aforesaid to State Charitable and Educational In-
stitutions shall be paid in equal quarterly installments. ' "
Two-thirds of all the Senators voting in the affirmative, the
rules were suspended by yeas and nays as follows:
President Chesley Holmead Mudd Warfield
Allen Collier Johnson Norris Williams
Archer Cooper Jones Ogden Zihlman
Bennett Duvall Joy Parsons
Bomberger Frick Kaufman Shepherd
Brown Harrison Legg Speicher Total—27
and the amendment was read and adopted. [Which favor-
able report was adopted, which was read the second time and
ordered printed for a third reading. ]
Two-thirds of all the Senators voting in the affirmative,
the rules were suspended by yeas and nays as follows, and
Bill put upon its third reading and final passage:
President Chesley Holmead Mudd Warfield
Allen Collier Johnson Norris Williams
Archer Cooper Jones Ogden Zihlman
Bennett Duvall Joy Parsons
Bomberger Frick Kaufman Shepherd
Brown Harrison Legg Speicher Total—27