1916] OF THE SENATE. 107
By Mr. Collier:
Senate Bill No. 59, entitled "An Act to authorize and em-
power the Mayor and Council of Easton to purchase the lease-
hold interest of the Easton Town Hall Company in the build-
ing known as the Market House Building or Music Hall (the
leasehold interest being a part of said Market House build-
ing), at and for the sum of f our ^thousand eight hundred and
forty dollars, and to borrow the sum of six thousand dollars
at the current rate of interest not exceeding six per centum
per annum, for the purpose of paying for said purchase and for
making repairs and necessary improvements in the Market
House building and to execute a mortgage on said building,
including the leasehold interest purchased to secure the pay-
ment of the semi-annual interest and the principal sum of six
thousand dollars within a period of fifteen years. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to Senators
Cottier, Legg and Brown.
By -Mr. Shepherd:
Senate Bill No. 60, entitled "An Act to regulate the exemp-
tion from taxation, property in Dorchester county. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance. ]
By Mr. Harrison:
Senate Joint Resolution: "Be it Resolved, That the State
Roads Commission be requested to furnish the Legislature with:
its recommendations for the construction of roads in the
various sections of the State and necessary appropriation re-
quired to cover same as soon as possible, so that same can be
taken up in an intelligent manner. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance. ]
By Mr. Jones:
Senate Joint Resolution: Requesting the Senators and
Representatives in Congress from Maryland to use all honor-
able means to secure the passage of the Shackleford-Saunders
Bill which provides for the appropriation of twenty-five mil-