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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 980   View pdf image (33K)
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980                              Laws of Maryland                        [Ch. 616

said justices of the peace may make such orders and impose such
terms as to costs, recognizance for appearance, or matters relating
to the residence or conduct of the convicts as may be deemed proper;
and if the convict is a minor, said justices of the peace may also
make such orders as to his detention in any care or custody as may
be deemed proper.

In all cases where sentence or costs or both sentence and costs
have been suspended by said justices of the peace, the defendant
shall have the right to appeal in the same manner as if sentence or
judgment [has] had not been suspended.

§ 18. Same—payment of fines and costs in installments.

Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, in any
case where a justice of the peace in and for [Baltimore City (except
traffic court magistrates), and] Prince George's and Charles coun-
ties has sentenced a person to pay a fine or costs or both fine and
costs, said justice of the peace shall have power, in his discretion,
to order that said person pay said fine and/or costs in installments
of such amounts and at such times and upon such conditions as said
justice of the peace may fix. Said justices of the peace may at any
time revise, modify, reduce or enlarge the amount of said install-
ments or the time and conditions fixed for payment of the same.
Should the defendant fail to pay any installment or fail to comply
with any condition imposed as aforesaid, said justice of the peace
may order said defendant committed to jail to work out the bal-
ance remaining unpaid in accordance with the provisions of any law
authorizing commitment in default of payment of fine and/or costs.

In cases where a justice of the peace acting pursuant to the au-
thority conferred by this section shall order the defendant to pay a
fine and/or costs in installments to a duly authorized and respon-
sible city or State agency which shall undertake to collect and ac-
count for said installments, he shall not be responsible for the
collection of the same [nor be required to pay the same over to the
clerk of the Court of Common Pleas or the treasurer of the City of
Baltimore or the police commissioner of Baltimore City, as the case
may be], nor shall his bond be liable for the same, except to the
extent that he or someone acting under his direction (other than a
worker or other employee of [said] a city or State agency) has
received any part of said fine and/or costs; but said justice of the
peace shall include the same in the report required to be made by
him [to the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, the treasurer of
the City of Baltimore and the police commissioner of Baltimore
City, respectively, under §§ 419, 430, 432 of Article 4 of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1949 Edition)], with a notation on said
report earmarking these fines and/or costs which have been ordered
paid in installments to a city or State agency, as aforesaid and
specifying the agency to which said fine and/or costs were ordered

§ 19. Same—-probation conditions of suspension or probation; ap-
plication of section to St. Mary's County.

(1) Conditions of suspension or probation.—The justices of the
peace in and for [Baltimore City and] Prince George's and Charles
counties [(except traffic court magistrates)], in any case within
their jurisdiction, shall have power, before conviction of any person


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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 980   View pdf image (33K)
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