accused of crime, with the written consent of the person so accused,
and after conviction or after plea of guilty or of nolo contendere,
without such consent, to: (a) Suspend that imposition of sentence;
(b) place such person on probation before commitment; (c) and in
all such cases above named to make such written conditions of sus-
pension of sentence and probation as said justices of the peace may
deem proper. The provisions of this section shall also apply to St.
Mary's County. Provided, however, in St. Mary's County any per-
son placed on probation shall be under the supervision of the State
Department of Parole and Probation.
§ 21. Warrant for arrest of person outside jurisdiction of issuing
If any person against whom a warrant is issued by a justice of
the peace of the State of Maryland or by the Municipal Court of
Baltimore City shall escape, go into, reside or be in any place in
the State of Maryland out of the jurisdiction of the justice or judge
granting the warrant, either before or after the issuing thereof,
any justice for the county or any [police justice of the City of
Baltimore] judge of said Municipal Court where such person shall
so escape or be, upon proof, on oath, of the handwriting of the
justice or judge granting such warrant shall, over his signature,
indorse thereon to this effect: "This warrant may be executed in
............................County..........................J.P. (Judge);" which endorse-
ment shall be sufficient authority to the constable or other officer or
person bringing such warrant, and to the sheriff, constable and all
officers of the county or city where such justice or judge resides,
and to all other persons to whom the same was originally directed,
to execute the said warrant in such other county or city, and to
carry the offender before the justice or court [who issued] issuing
said warrant or some other justice of the county [or city] where
the offense was committed, there to be dealt with according to law;
provided, that the marshal of police shall have the right to desig-
nate an officer or officers to accompany and assist in the execution
of the warrant in the City of Baltimore.
§ 22. Amendment of information, warrant, docket entries, etc.
In all criminal cases before justices of the peace and before the
Municipal Court of Baltimore City, the justice or judge, of his own
motion, or on the motion of the State's attorney, may at any time
during trial before final judgment amend the information, warrant,
his docket entries, name of the offenders or other proceedings in
such cases pending before him; and in all criminal trials in the
circuit court to which cases have been removed on an application
for a jury trial or on an appeal from the judgment of a justice of
the peace or said Municipal Court, the court, on motion of the
State's attorney, may at any time before the trial or during the
progress of trial, before final judgment, amend the information,
warrant, docket entries, name of the offender or other proceedings in
such case; provided, however, that such amendment does not change
the character of the offense or crime with which the accused is
§ 23. Summons or notice to accused.
Every justice of the peace, police justice, judge of the Municipal
Court of Baltimore City, or other similar official in those offenses