including persons appealing from convictions before trial magis-
trates or before the Municipal Court of Baltimore City, whether a
minor or an adult, and after conviction or after a plea of guilty or
nolo contendere, without such consent, are empowered, during the
term of court in which such consent, conviction or plea is had, to:
(1) Suspend the imposition of sentence; [and] or
(2) Place such person on probation without finding a verdict; and
(3) Make such conditions of suspension of sentence and proba-
tion as the court may deem proper.
Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That Article 52 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1957 EDITION AND 1960 Supplement),
title "Justices of the Peace", Sections 13(a), 17, 18, 19(1), 21, 22, 23,
24, 29(a), and 38, be and they are hereby repealed and reenacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:
§ 13. General provisions.
(a) Jurisdiction and general powers.—The several trial magis-
trates of the State of Maryland [(except in the City of Baltimore)]
are hereby vested with, and shall have hereafter jurisdiction to hear,
try and determine all cases involving the charge of any offense,
crime or misdemeanor, not punishable by confinement in the peni-
tentiary, as provided in the particular penal statute defining said
offense and not as provided in § 706 of Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, or involving a felonious intent, which may be
committed within their respective counties; and shall have jurisdic-
tion to hear, try and determine all prosecutions or proceedings for
the recovery of any penalty for doing or omitting to do any act
within their respective counties, the doing of which or the omission
to do which, is made punishable under the laws of this State by
any pecuniary fine or penalty, or by imprisonment in jail or in the
Maryland House of Correction, as provided in the particular penal
statute defining said offense and not as provided in § 706 of Article
27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, all of which acts or omissions
are hereby declared to be criminal offenses; and the said trial magis-
trates shall have power to issue all process, and to do all acts which
may be necessary for the exercise of their said jurisdiction, and
may pronounce judgment and sentence in all such cases coming
before them, in the same manner, and to the same extent as the
circuit courts for said counties could, if such cases had been tried
before said courts; provided, however, that the accused, when
brought before any such trial magistrate, or being informed by him
of his right to trial by jury, freely elects to be tried before such
trial magistrate, and provided, further, that a jury trial be not
prayed in such case on the part of the State by the State's attorney.
§ 17. [Baltimore City and] Prince George's and Charles Coun-
ties—suspension of sentence and costs.
The justices of the peace in and for [Baltimore City (except
traffic court magistrates) and] Prince George's and Charles coun-
ties shall have and possess power to suspend sentence or costs or
both sentence and costs, generally or for a definite time, in any case
within their jurisdiction, provided that such suspension is made at
the trial of the case and not after judgment is pronounced; and