sioners and Board of Education shall have full joint authority to
contract for, supervise, direct and control such work in such manner
as in their discretion they may deem to the best public interest, and
full power is given to them to employ and pay out of the said funds
all builders, or other persons, supervisors or agents, as to them may
seem advisable and necessary, and to pay out of the said funds all
architects employed by the said Board of Education; and they shall
divide and allot said funds to said buildings and equipment, but not
exceeding the amounts allotted or specified for each except as to the
use of said contingency fund of Forty Five Thousand Dollars
($45,000.00), and other funds provided therefor under Section 1 of
this Act as well as other unencumbered funds that may be available
to the County Commissioners of Wicomico County and/or the Board
of Education of Wicomico County for such capital improvements
during the fiscal years 1961-62 and 1962-63, which may be allotted
to any or all of said projects as said Board shall jointly determine.
Each such project is to be or have substantially the type of improve-
ments herein designated. Nothing herein shall be construed as pre-
venting said joint Boards from contracting to have any of said im-
provements made or done at less than the sum herein appropriated
Sec. 5 And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of paying
the principal and interest on said bonds as they respectively become
payable and mature, the County Commissioners of Wicomico County
shall levy, for the first year following the date of the issue of said
bonds, and annually thereafter until all said bonds shall mature and
be paid, an ad valorem tax upon all the property in Wicomico
County, Maryland, subject to taxation by the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County, sufficient to pay the annual interest on said
bonds outstanding from time to time, and to pay the principal of
said bonds as they mature, said taxes to be collected as other taxes
levied in said County are collected, and to be used for no other pur-
pose. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized or
limited by law. In case any of the bonds hereby authorized shall be
issued in any year after the making of the annual tax levy for the
year by the County Commissioners of Wicomico County, the County
Commissioners are authorized and directed to pay any or all interest
falling due before the next tax levy, out of any other funds at their
disposal, and to include in the next levy the amount necessary to
reimburse such other funds.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all bonds issued under
the authority of this Act shall be exempt from taxation by the State
of Maryland and by the counties and municipalities of said State.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County shall designate two of its members, and the
Board of Education of Wicomico County shall designate two of its
members who shall serve on the School Building Commission. The
four persons so designated shall then select three representative
citizens of Wicomico County, and the seven persons so designated
shall constitute the "Wicomico County School Building Commission
of 1961". Said Commission is authorized to make a full and detailed
study of the type of construction and plans of the buildings con-
stituting the projects enumerated herein, the type and amount of