6 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 2
office until such delivery. Should any of the persons designated to
sign said bonds be unable for any reason to do so, the County Com-
missioners of Wicomico County shall by resolution authorize the
execution thereof by some other member or officer, and such exe-
cution shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if the bond
had been executed by the person or persons originally designated.
The bonds may be made registerable, as to principal only, under
such terms and conditions as may be determined by said County
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County shall advertise the sale of said bonds in at least
one newspaper published in Wicomico County, Maryland, once a week
for at least two successive weeks prior to the date of their sale, said
sale to take place not sooner than ten days after the insertion of
the first advertisement, and by such other advertisement as may to
it seem proper and advisable, inviting sealed proposals for the pur-
chase of said bonds or any part thereof with the privilege of reject-
ing any or all bids, and no bid shall be accepted at less than par
and accrued interest; the entire issue of bonds may be offered at one
time or they may be offered in varying amounts at different inter-
vals, as may seem most advantageous to the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County and the Board of Education of Wicomico County
in construction, erecting, completing the construction, or aiding in
construction, making additions and improvements to and equipment
of schools for the erection of which the proceeds of said bonds are
to be used; and no part of the money arising from the sale of said
bonds shall be used except for the purposes designated and provided
for in this Act, except that any accrued interest and premium shall
be set aside in a separate interest fund and be devoted to the payment
of the first maturing coupons, and provided further, that the cost of
engraving or printing of said bonds and the cost of advertising au-
thorized by this Act, and any other expenses incidental to the issu-
ance and sale of said bonds, may be paid out of said funds; and pro-
vided further, that should there remain any balance of the proceeds
of the sale of the bonds hereby authorized to be sold, after the full
and complete accomplishment of the purposes herein set forth; such
balance may be used at the discretion of the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County and the Board of Education of Wicomico County
singly or in addition to any other available unencumbered funds to
construct, alter or improve any other school project in said Wicomico
County, and if the said County Commissioners of Wicomico County
and the Board of Education deem such use unnecessary, then such
balance may in the joint discretion of said Boards, be held as a reserve
fund to be applied toward the payment of the principal of maturing
bonds issued under the provisions of this Act.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds arising from
the sale of said bonds shall be paid over to the Treasurer of Wicom-
ico County, and credited by him to the County Commissioners of
Wicomico County and the Board of Education of Wicomico County,
to be used in the joint discretion of the members of said County
Commissioners and the Board of Education and under their joint
supervision and direction, and subject to their joint order, for build-
ing or aiding in building, making additions and improvements to
and equipping the aforesaid school buildings. Said County Commis-