R E S O L U T I O N S.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the eaftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to releafe to William
Clayton, John King Downes and Edward Wright, the fum of thirty pounds eleven fhillings and four-
pence, which now ftands charged againft them as fecurities of Thomas O'Bryon, a former fheriff of
Queen-Anne's county, the fame arifing from a calculation of fifteen per cent, inftead of fix percent.
intereft on the fum due for college funds from the faid Thomas O'Bryon in the year feventeen hundred
and ninety-three.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to John Ufher Charlton the fum of
one hundred and eighty-feven pounds eighteen fhillings, being the amount of depreciation
due him on his pay, as paymafter to the 6th Maryland regiment, from the twenty-fecond
April, feventeen hundred and feventy-feven, to the firft October, feventeen hundred and feven-
Whereas William Fergufon hath reprefented to this general affembly, that he hath an equitable
claim againft the ftate of Maryland on account of a deficiency in the quantity of certain lands
bought by faid Fergufon from the ftate of Maryland, and alfo that he is debarred from exercifing
the legal and cuftomary means of obtaining redrefs in the court of chancery in confequence of
certain proceedings heretofore had in faid court in relation to faid purchafe: And whereas this
general affembly are willing and defirous to place the faid Fergufon in the fame fituation as if
faid purchafe had never been brought in any manner into queftion before faid court; therefore
RESOLVED, That the chancellor be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to hear and de-
termine the claim or claims which the faid William Fergufon may have againft the ftate on ac-
count of the purchafe aforefaid, in the fame manner as if the proceedings had ever taken place in
the chancery court in relation to the faid purchafe.
AND RESOLVED, That in cafe the chancellor fhould decree in favour of the faid William Fer-
gufon, the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to the faid William Fergufon the amount of fuch
decree, agreeably to the terms thereof,
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to fubfcribe
for fifty copies of the abridgment of the laws of Maryland, as now publifhing Thomas Her-
ty, of the city of Baltimore, and to pay the amount of the fubfcription money out of any unap-
propriated money in the treafury.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby to tranfmit one
copy of the faid abridgment of the laws to each of the county court clerks and regifter of wills
in the feveral counties of this ftate, for the ufe of their refpective courfe, one copy thereof to
the regifter of the chancery court, one copy to the regifter of the land-office, one copy to the
treafurer of the weftern and eaftern fhores refpectively, one copy to the clerk of the weftern and
eaftern fhore general courts refpectively, and one copy to the regifter of the land-office on the
eaftern fhore, one copy to be retained by the governor and council for their own ufe, one copy
to the clerk of the court of appeals, ana the remaining three copies for the ufe of the general
affembly of this ftate,
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That the governor and council be authorifed to purchafe, and caufe
to be handsomely framed, two fets of the prints executed, by Trumbull, the American , in
commemoration of the battle of Bunker's Hill, and attack on Quebec, two memorable epochs in
the hiftory of our revolution, and the fame, when finifhed, to be hung up in fome confpicuous
part of the houfe of delegates and fenate chamber.
Whereas the compenfation allowed to the truftee, under the act refpecting the creditors and
debtors of this ftate, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, after the firft
year, is inadequate to the fervices required of him, RESOLVED, That the faid truftee fhall be
entitled to receive, as an additional compenfation for his fervices for the prefent year, the fum
of two hundred dollars.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Ninian Pinkney, clerk of the
council, one hundred dollars in addition to his falary allowed by law for the prefent year.
RESOLVED, That the members of the council, in addition to their prefent falary, be allowed
one hundred dollars each for the prefent year.
RESOLVED, That William Kilty, in addition to the laws which he is appointed to revife, do
caufe to be printed the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, and the con-
ftitution of the general government, with the amendments which have been made thereto.
RESOLVED, That the clerk of the general court be and he is hereby directed to furnifh the
faid William Kilty with copies of fuch acts (not printed) as he may require, and to com-
pare and examine, under his direction, fuch acts as have not been heretofore examined and
compared with the records in the office of the general court.
RESOLVED, That the general affembly of Maryland highly difapprove of the fentiments and
opinions contained in the resolutions of the legislature of Virginia, inasmuch as they contain the
unwarrantable decifion of the of a state government, by a legiflative act, to declare
an act of the federal government unconstitutional and void; and as they contain a request for our
co-operation with them in obtaining a repeal of the laws, which, at this , we believe are wife
and politic.
RESOLVED, That in addition to the fum of four hundred and feventy-eight dollars unexpended
by the late governor of the money appropriated for repairing the government-houfe, and drawn
by the prefent governor, the treasurer pay to his excellency the governor, on his order, the fur-
ther fum of four hundred dollars, for repairs and procuring additional neceffary furniture to the