R E S O L U T I O N S.
RESOLVED, That William Kilty be and he is hereby appointed to revife the acts of affembly
of this ftate, and to prepare an edition thereof, including all public acts now in force, in the
order in which they paffed, from the year fixteen hundred and ninety-two till the end of the
prefent feffion, inclufive, inferting, in the fame order, the titles of all private acts, and of fuch
public acts as are repealed, have expired, or have ceafed to have any operation, the time of fuch
repeal, or expiring of each law, to be noted in the margin, as alfo the continuances of fuch acts
as were originally paffed for a limitted time; to be accompanied with a full and complete index
to the whole, compiled in the manner of Bacon's edition of the laws of Maryland, or in that of
the Pennsylvania or Virginia laws, which have been fent to this ftate, or in fuch method com-
pounded of thofe, or other precedents, as the faid William Kilty fhall deem beft adapted to the
purpofe; that the faid edition be completed within the enfuing year, fo as to be laid before this
general affembly at their next annual meeting; and that fuch compenfation be allowed to the faid
William Kilty, as the work, and the manner in which it may be performed, fhall appear to merit.
RESOLVED, That the faid William Kilty include in faid collection the original charter to
lord Baltimore, bill of rights, the conftitution of this ftate, as originally adopted by the con-
vention, together with the feveral alterations that have been made to the faid conftitution by
acts of affembly, fince that period.
RESOLVED, That Frederick Green, printer to the ftate, be directed to print, and procure to be
bound, two hundred copies of the faid edition of the laws, under the direction of the faid Wil-
liam Kilty; and that the governor and council be empowered, by order on the treafury, to ad-
vance to the printer, out of any unappropriated money, fuch fum or fums as way be neceffary
for the purpofe
Whereas Henry Stevenfon, of Baltimore county, late fheriff and collector of public dues,
ftands indebted to the ftate for fifteen per cent, intereft on the amount of amerciaments, pedlers
and retailers licences, fines and forfeited recognizances, not collected within the time limitted by
law: And whereas the faid Henry Stevenfon, at the laft feffion of the general affembly, was in-
dulged with a further time, in which he was permitted to make the faid collection; and the faid
Henry Stevenfon having, in conformity to the provifion of faid law, made up the faid collection,
and fettled the fame with the agent of this ftate to the full amount thereof, excepting the faid
fifteen per cent, towards which the fum of forty-two pounds feven fhillings and two-pence only
is paid; and it alfo appearing that the faid Henry Stevenfon was prevented from making the faid
collections in due time by reafon of the malignant fever that raged in the city of Baltimore;
therefore RESOLVED, That the faid Henry Stevenfon be and he is hereby releafed from the
payment of nine per cent, on the fum or fums of money which were not collected and paid
agreeably to the time limitted for payment as aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That George Murdock, Philip Thomas and Valentine Brother, or any two of
them, be and they are hereby empowered, in behalf of and for the ufe of the ftate, to purchafe,
in fee-fimple, ten acres of land in Frederick county, whereon the barracks are erected, as fur-
veyed and laid out by Mr. Samuel Duvall, furveyor for the faid county, provided the purchafe
money of the fame does not exceed a fum which the faid George Murdock, Philip Thomas and
Valentine Brother, or a majority of them, may in their judgment and confcience conceive the
property really worth; and the treafurer of the weftern fhore is hereby authorised and required
to pay the amount of faid purchafe to the order of the faid George Murdock, Philip Thomas
and Valentine Brother, or any two of them, out of any unappropriated money in the treafury;
provided always, that no purchafe made as aforefaid by the commiffioners under this resolution
fhall be valid until the fame be confirmed by the governor and council.
RESOLVED, That the faid George Murdock, Philip Thomas and Valentine Brother, or any
two of them, under the direction of the governor and council, be and they are hereby authorifed
to contract for, and caufe to be repaired, fo much of the faid barracks as may be neceffary for
their prefervation, and as many rooms as they, or a majority of them, think neceffary, fet
apart for the reception of the public arms and accoutrements; and the treasurer of the weftern
fhore is hereby authorifed and directed to pay to the order of faid George Murdock, Philip Tho-
mas and Valentine Brother, or any two of them, the amount of faid repairs.
RESOLVED That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and required
to pay to John Moore, or order, late foldier in the extra Maryland regiment, the fum of twenty-
two dollars.
Whereas it is highly expedient that every conftitutional barrier fhould be oppofed to the intro-
duction of foreign influence into our national councils, and that the conftitution of the United
States fhould be fo amended as to effect and fecure, in the beft manner, the great objects for which it
was defined: therefore RESOLVED, That the fenators and reprefentatives of this ftate in the congrefs
of the United States be and they are hereby requefted, to ufe their beft endeavours that congrefs propofe
to the legiflatures of the feveral ftates the following amendments to the federal conftitution, to wit. That
in addition to the other qualifications prefcribed by faid conftitution, no perfon fhall be eligible as a
fenator or reprefentative in the congrefs of the United States, except a natural born citizen, or unlefs he
fhall have been a refident in the United States at the time of the declaration of independence, or natu-
ralized and admitted a citizen at the time of making this amendment to the conftitution: No perfon fhall
be eligible as vice-prefident of the United States, except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the
United States at the time of the adoption of the federal conftitution, and that no perfon fhall be eligible
to that office who fhall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a refi-
dent within the United States.
RESOLVED, That the prefident of the fenate and the fpeaker of this houfe be requefted forthwith to
tranfmit the foregoing refolve to the fenators and reprefentatives of this ftate in congrefs; and that the
governor and council be and they are hereby requefted to communicate the fame to the fupreme execu-
tives of the feveral states, with a requeft that they may be fubmitted to the confiderations of their re-
fpectve legiflatures.