R E S O L U T I O N S.
government-houfe, a particular account of the expenditure of which he is hereby requested to
lay before this houfe at their next feffion.
RESOLVED, That John Shaw be and he is hereby appointed and authorifed to fell and difpofe
of, for ready money, all old and ufelefs articles of furniture in the government-houfe belonging
to the ftate, and account with the treafurer of the weftern fhore, after deducting ten per centum
for his trouble arifing from the fale of faid property.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and empowered to procure, by im-
portation or otherwise, nineteen copies of Richardfon's treatife upon laft wills and teftaments,
and that one copy thereof be transmitted to each of the orphans courts in this ftate, for the ufe
of each court,
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and required
to pay to the adjutant-general of this ftate for the time being the fum of fix hundred dollars, and
no more, in quarterly payments, as his falary for the year one thoufand feven hundred and nine-
ty-nine, provided the faid adjutant-general refide or keep an office at the feat of government.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be authorifed and he is hereby directed to
pay annually to each brigade infpector of this ftate the fum of one hundred dollars, as a compen-
sation for his fervices in the difcharge of his duties.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorifed and empowered to provide carriages,
for the fix pieces of ordnance now lying dismounted in the city of Annapolis, and caufe the fame
to be mounted, and rendered in all refpects fit for fervice, and the fame, when completed, to ap-
ply to the ufe of the fort building in the city of Annapolis, fubject to the future difpofition of
the general affembly.
Whereas in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-fix it was refolved by the general affembly
of Maryland, that the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhould advance, on loan, to Jeffe Hollingf-
worth, Philip Rogers and Emanuel Kent, the fum of eight thoufand dollars, to be applied to re-
building and completing the academy in Baltimore-town which had been previous to that time
confumed by fire: And whereas there is good reafon to believe that the faid fum of money will
never be demanded; wherefore RESOLVED, That the faid refolution be and is hereby refcinded.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay the fum of three thoufand dollars to
the mayor of the city of Baltimore, to be by him applied to the completing and furnifhing the
hofpital in Baltimore county for the relief of indigent fick perfons, and the reception and care of
lunatics, provided that the faid mayor fhall firft give bond, with fecurity, for the due and faithful
application of the faid fum of money to the purpofe aforefaid, and provided alfo, that the faid
treafurer fhall firft be affured and fatisfied, that the inhabitants of Baltimore county have alfo
contributed and fecured to be paid to the mayor aforefaid an equal fum of money towards the
completing and finifhing the faid hofpital.
RESOLVED, That the agent to the ftate of Maryland do immediately proceed to fell the pro-
perty taken under fieri facias iffued on a judgment, the ftate of Maryland againft William Allein,
rendered at October term, Seventeen hundred and ninety-two, and that the amount or the pro-
ceeds thereof be paid by the agent to Daniel Kent, for the ufe of Sarah Weems Allein, wife of
William Allein.
RESOLVED That the refolution paffed at November feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and
ninety feven, fo far as relates to the money depofited in the treafury for the ufe of Britifh cre-
ditors, which obliges perfons applying to produce a voucher that the claims are paid, or fecured
to be paid, be refunded.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft SESSION.
AN ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year.
C H A P.
An ACT, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled. An act to alter and repeal thofe parts
of the conftitution and form of government that make the commiffioners of Baltimore-town
judges of the elections for delegates and for elector of the fenate.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to affefs and levy annually
a fum of money for the fupport of Honour Bofley, an idiot, of Baltimore county.
An Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the deftruction of wolves in Allegany county.
An Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to afcertain the allowance of jurymen and witneffes
of the general and the feveral county and orphans courts in this ftate.
An ACT, entitled, An act to repeal part of an act, entitled, An act to incorporate an infurance
company in Baltimore-town, and to enable any one company or ftockholder in faid company to
hold a greater number of fhares therein than by faid act it is now permitted any one company
or perfon to hold.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery county to affefs and levy an-
nually a fum of money for the fupport of Caffandra Thompfon.
An ACT to authorife and empower the juftices of the levy court for Saint-Mary's county to affefs
and levy annually a fum of money for the purpofe therein mentioned.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Saint-Mary's county to affefs and levy
annually a fum of money for the purpofe therein mentioned.
An ACT, entitlted, An act to revive and continue the feveral acts of affembly therein mentioned to
the end of the prefent feffion of affembly, and to eftablifh and confirm all acts done in
purfuance of faid laws.