R E S O L U T I O N S.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to David Clark, Walter Billingfly
and Margaret Love, executors of John Love, on their order, the fum of twenty-three pounds
three fhillings and four-pence current money, with the intereft thereon, it being a balance due
upon the treafury books upon the final adjuftment of a bond given for the purchafe of confif-
cated property.
Whereas the proprietors of negroes in this date are fubjected to great lofs and inconvenience,
by reafon of their flaves abfconding into the ftates of Delaware, Pennfylvania and New-Jerfey,
where they remain concealed and protected for a length of time by the citizens thereof: And
whereas considerable difficulties occur to prevent the recovery of fuch absconding flaves; there-
fore RESOLVED, That the. governor and council be and they are hereby authorifed and re-
qnefted to communicate with the fupreme executives of the ftates aforefaid on the fubject afore-
faid, and to concert with them fuch meafures as may be deemed effectual for preventing the
abufes aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the weftern fhore pay unto John Gallahar, late foldier in
the fixth Maryland regiment, the fum of fixty-one pounds one fhilling and five-pence, being the
amount of the depreciation of pay due him for his fervices as a foldier aforefaid.
Whereas it appears by. the certificate of the clerk of Baltimore county, at January term laft,
that in Baltimore county criminal court, negro Lydia, the flave of James Tolley, was convicted
for houfe-burning, and fentence of death was paffed on faid negro by the juftices of faid court,
who valued faid negro at fixty-five pounds current money, and the aforefaid fentence was com-
muted by the governor; therefore RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and
he is hereby authorifed and directed to pay unto the faid James Tolley, or order, the fum of fix-
ty-five pounds current money, it being the amount of the valuation aforefaid.
Whereas by the act of congrefs paffed on the third of March, one thoufand feven hundred
and ninety-five, four thoufand five hundred copies of the laws of the United States were directed
to be publifhed and diftributed among the refpective ftates, in fuch manner as the feveral legifla-
tures or executives thereof fhould deem moft conducive to the general information of the people,
and there being three hundred and eighty of the faid copies affigned for the ufe of this ftate;
therefore, RESOLVED, That the governor and council fend five copies of the faid laws to the
feveral county clerks, to be delivered by them, one copy thereof to each of the affociate juftices
of the county court, another copy to the fheriff, another copy to the regifter of wills, for the
life of the orphans courts, and one copy to be kept in their refpective offices for the ufe of the
county courts.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the governor and council deliver or caufe to be delivered a copy
of the faid laws to each member of the general affembly, to each judge of the general court,
and to each chief juftice of the county courts; to the chancellor one copy, to the judges of the
high court of appeals, each one copy, to the clerk of the court of appeals, for the ufe of the
faid court, one copy, to the regifter or clerks of the corporations of George-town, and the cities
of Annapolis and Baltimore, each one copy, for the ufe of their refpective corporations, to the
principals of Saint-John's, Wafhington, and the George-town colleges, each five copies, for the
ufe of the ftudents in the faid colleges, to the principals of all other feminaries of learning now
incorporated by the laws of this ftate, each three copies, for the ufe of the fcholars in faid femi-
naries, to the librarian of the library company of Baltimore five copies, and the fecretary of
the Somerfet library company two copies, for the ufe of their refpective libraries; the refidue to
be difpofed of in fuch manner as the governor and council, or the legiflature, may direct.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That in cafe of the death, refignation or difmiffion from office of either
of the officers before mentioned, excepting the members of the general affembly, the chancellor,
the fudges of the court of appeals, and the judges of the general and diftrict courts, the faid
copies of the laws of the United States delivered to them as aforefaid fhall belong to their re-
fpective fucceffors in the faid offices,
RESOLVED, That execution upon the judgment obtained at the fuit of the ftate of Maryland
againft David Lindfay, one of the fecurities of Thomas O'Bryon, a former fheriff of Queen-Anne's
county be stayed until the firft day of January, eighteen hundred; and that upon the faid David
Lindfay paying the treafurer of the eaftern fhore, on or before the faid day, one half of the
principal fum of faid judgment, with an intereft of fix per cent, upon the amount of faid princi-
pal fum from the firft day of November, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, and the
cofts of fuit, a further ftay of execution for the balance of faid judgment be allowed until the firft
day of January, eighteen hundred and one; and that upon the faid David Lindfay paying the faid
one half part, with intereft as aforefaid, and cofts, on the faid firft day of January, eighteen
hundred, as alfo the one other half part, of faid principal fum on or before the aforefaid firft day
of January, eighteen hundred and one, with fix per cent, intereft thereon from the faid firft day
of January, eighteen hundred, the faid judgment fhall be deemed fatisfied; but if the faid David
Lindfay fhall neglect to pay the faid fums, with intereft and coft as aforefaid, then execution may
iffue, without fcire facias, for the fum that may be due upon faid judgment.
Whereas it is represented to this general affembly, that negro Oz, the flave of a certain Tho-
mas Crowley, of Montgomery county, was convicted of burglary and felony in the court of
Montgomery county, November term laft, and that fentence of death was paffed upon him by the
juftices of faid court, who valued faid negro to ninety pounds current money: And whereas the
governor has commuted the fentence of faid court, and ordered that the faid negro fhall be ba-
nifhed out of the United States, and fold as a flave; therefore RESOLVED, That the treafurer
of the weftern fhore pay to the faid Thomas Crowley, or order, the fum of ninety pounds current
money, the amount of faid valuation.