R E S O L U T I O N S.
Whereas it appears by the certificate of the clerk of Baltimore county, at January term laft,
that in Baltimore county court negro Linde, the flave of Edward Norwood, was convicted of
fetting fire to the houfe of faid Norwood, and fentence of death was paffed on faid negro by the
juftices of faid court, who valued faid negro at feventy-five pounds current money, and the afore-
faid fentence was commuted by the governor; therefore RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the
weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed and directed to pay unto the faid Edward Norwood
the fum of feventy-five pounds current money, it being the amount of the valuation aforefaid.
RESOLVED, That the committee of claims be authorifed and directed, and they are hereby authorifed
and directed, to examine and burn the fum of eight thoufand eight hundred and fifty pounds of the
emiffions made in purfuance of an act of congrefs of the eighteenth of March, feventeen hundred and
eighty, which lavs in the treafury and was never introduced into circulation.
Whereas Frederick Green, of the city of Annapolis, purchafed of this ftate an undivided fifth part
of lot No. 27 in fhe faid city, for the fum of four hundred and ninety-five pounds, and paid a confide-
rable fum into the treafury in part difcharge of the faid purchafe money: And whereas the faid Frederick
Green did in the year feventeen hundred and eighty-nine, file his bill in chancery to be releafed from
the faid purchafe, and to have reftitution of the fum fo as aforefaid paid to the public; and on the hear-
ing of the faid bill it was ordered and decreed by the chancellor, that the complainant's bond fhould be
given up and cancelled, and that he fhould be entitled to a reftitution of the money, certificates, or
other thing received from him by the ftate on account of the faid purchafe, or the value thereof, with in-
tereft from the time of the faid decree; and it is juft and reafonable that the decree aforefaid fhould be
carried into effect, RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby authorifed
and required to pay to the faid Frederick Green all money or certificates paid by the faid Frederick
Green to the ftate for or on account of the purchafe aforefaid, or the value thereof at the time of figning
the faid decree, together with an intereft of fix per cent, thereon from the time of figning the faid
decree, and that the bond of the faid Frederick Green be delivered up agreeably to the faid decree.
RESOLVED, That John Callahan, regifter of the land-office of the weftern fhore, be and he is
hereby authorifed and required to compare the records B C and G S, No, 50, and the records
B C and G S, No. si, with the original certificates, and to correct them where neceffary.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay to Darby M'Nemara, an old infirm
and difabled foldier, the annual fum of fifty-feven dollars for and during the term of his natural
life in lieu of three hundred and ninety-nine dollars, the principal and intereft due on three
ftate certificates iffued to him for depreciation of his pay, which faid certificates were loft; the-
faid fum to be paid in quarterly payments, the firft payment to be made on the tenth day of De-
cember, 1798.
RESOLVED That Abraham Jarrett, one of the fecurities of Benjamin Prefton, former fheriff of
Harford county be and he is hereby allowed to make payment of the principal fum due by him to this
ftate on judgment obtained in the general court of the weftern fhore at October term, feventeen hun-
dred and ninety-feven for the fum of one hundred and eight pounds three fhillings and two-pence half-
penny, againft him as fecurity aforefaid, with fix per cent, intereft thereon, on or before the firft day of
December, feventeen hundred and ninety-nine, and that execution be ftayed until the firft day of De-
cember aforefaid; and that if the faid Abraham Jarrett pay the principal fum, and fix per cent intereft
thereon as aforefaid, together with all cofts and commons, on the firft day of December, feventeen
hundred and ninety-nine, then to be released from the payment of fifteen per cent, intereft impofed by
law for non-payment.
RESOLVED, That if Jofiah Johnfon fhall, on or before the firft day of March next, pay into the trea-
fury of the eaftern fhore the principal fum, together with an intereft of fix per cent, and the agent's com-
miffion on the fame, due from him to the ftate for fines, forfeitures, amerciaments, ordinary and re-
tailers licences, for which judgments are obtained againft him and his fecurities in the general court of
the eaftern fhore, and all cofts of fuit thereon, that then he and his faid fecurities fhall be releafed
from the payment of the further intereft of nine per cent, which they are now by law liable to pay.
RESOLVED, That Richard Chew, of Anne-Arundel county, and William Holland, of Calvert coun-
ty, be and they are hereby allowed to make payment of the debt due by them to the ftate in the follow-
ing manner to wit: One third of the principal fum now due fhall be paid on the firft day of October,
feventeen hundred and ninety-nine, with all the intereft then due on the faid principal fum, one other
third on the firft day of October, eighteen hundred, with all the intereft on the principal then due, one
other third on the firft day of October, eighteen hundred and one, with all the intereft on the principal
then due; but if the faid Richard Chew and William Holland fhall neglect to pay any one inftalment as
aforefaid, then they fhall be liable to be executed for faid inftalment, with all intereft due on the fame.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore pay unto Alexander Rigdon, his heirs,
executors, administrators, or to his order the fum of eleven pounds nineteen fhillings and two-
pence, it being the amount of the principal and interest over paid on a purchafe from the ftate,
as appears by the certificate of the treafurer of the weftern fhore.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to credit the account
of Elijah Auftin with the fum of forty pounds two fhillings and fix-pence compofition money, and forty-
five fhillings for improvements, on a tract of land taken up by faid Auftin, called Hunger and Thirft,
containing one hundred and feven acres, but the faid land being within the referves of Wiccomico Ma-
nor, and not liable to be taken up in the manner aforefaid, faid Auftin afterwards purchafed it from the
late intendant, and ftands charged for the fame.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a patent iffue to Elijah Auftin, his heirs or reprefentatives,
on the tract of land aforefaid called Hunger and Thirft.