C H A P.
Counties di-
vided into dif-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the feveral counties of this ftate,
for the purpofe of holding all future elections for delegates, electors of the fenate, and fheriffs
of the feveral counties, fhall be divided into feparate diftricts in the manner herein after directed,
viz, Saint-Mary's county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Kent county
fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Calvert county fhall be divided and laid
off into three feparate diftricts, Charles county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate
diftricts, Talbot county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate diftricts, Somerfet county
fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Dorchefter county fhall be divided and
laid off into three feparate diftricts, Caecil county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate
diftricts, Prince-George's county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Queen-
Anne's county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Worcester county fhall
he divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Frederick county fhall be divided and laid off
into feven feparate diftricts, Harford county fhall be divided, and laid off into five feparate dif-
tricts, Caroline county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Wafhington
county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Montgomery county fhall be di,
vided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Allegany county fhall be divided and laid off into
fix feparate diftricts.
A. A. county
into five.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Anne-Arundel county, including the city of Annapolis, fhall
be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts.
Baltimore into
feven, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Baltimore county, out of the limits of the city of Baltimore,
fhall be divided and laid off into feven diftricts, and that the city of Baltimore fhall be laid off
into eight diftricts.
Parts of the
conftitution re-
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part of the conftitution and form of government
relating to the judges, time, place and manner, of holding elections in the city of Baltimore,
all and every part of the fecond, third, fifth, fourteenth and forty-fecond fections of the
conftitution and form of government of this ftate, as alfo every part of the faid conftitution and
form of government which relate to the judges, place, time and manner, of holding the feveral
elections for delegates, electors of the fenate, and fheriffs of the feveral counties, be and the
fame are hereby abrogated, repealed and annulled, and the fame fhall hereafter be regulated by
No perfon to
vote without
written evi-
dence, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no perfon poffeffing the qualification of property required by
the conftitution fhall be entitled to vote at any election to be held for fheriffs, delegates to the
general affembly, or electors of the fenate, unlefs there be fome written evidence that he is
worth thirty pounds, or a freehold of fifty acres of land, at the time he offers to vote, this
written evidence to be an affeffment of property to that amount, which affeffment may be made
at any time before fuch perfon offers to vote, upon his producing fatisfactory teftimony of his
poffeffing fuch property; the manner of making out fuch affeffment, and the perfon or perfons to
judge of the qualification as to property, to be hereafter regulated by law.
Parts of the
conftitution re-
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all parts of the conftitution and form of government not
herein before enumerated, which are regugnant to, and inconififtent with, the provifions of this
act, be and the fame are hereby repealed, annulled and avoided.
If confirmed, to
be a part of the
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act fhall be confirmed by the general affembly, after
the next election of delegates, in the firft feffion after fuch new election, as the conftitution and
form of government directs, that in fuch cafe this act, and the alteration of the faid conftitution
contained therein, fhall be confidered as a part, and fhall conftitute and be valid as a part, of
the faid conftitution and form of government, to all intents and purpofes, any thing therein con-
tained to the contrary notwithftanding.
Paffed Jan. 20.
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this feffion, that there is now due from
this ftate the fum of twelve thoufand three hundred and twelve pounds fourteen fhillings
and five-pence halfpenny current money ;
Treafurer to
pay, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the treafurer of the weftern
fhore fhall and he is hereby authorifed and required to pay the feveral perfons, their executors,
adminiftrators, affigns or orders, or to fuch of them as fhall offer to receive the fame, the feveral
fums of current money allowed to them refpectively, as they appear to be fettled and afcertained
by the faid journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treafury, or which fhall come into
the treafury, fubject to the appropriation of the general affembly.
RESOLUTIONS affented to November Seffion, 1798.
WHEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, that negro Edward, the flave of Mor-
ris James M'Donough, of Charles county, was convicted of felony at a court of oyer and ter-
miner and general gaol delivery, held in Prince-George's county on the twenty-third day of Auguft laft,
and that fentence of death was paffed upon him by the juftices of faid court, who valued faid negro at one
hundred and twelve pounds ten fhillings current money, and that the punifhment of faid negro was com-
muted by the governor, and it is doubtful whether the law has made any provifion for the fame; there-
fore RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and be is hereby authorifed and directed to
pay unto Morris James M'Donough, of Charles county the fum of one hundred and twelve pounds ten
fhillings current money, being the valuation aforefaid.