V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the clerks of the feveral counties fhall, under the penalty of
fifty dollars, make out and lay before every feffion of the levy court a return of the fum or fums
of money received under the provifion of this act.
VI. This act to commence and be in force from and after the firft day of April next.
C H A P.
A return to be
An ACT to increafe the fees of the examiner-general of the weftern fhore, and
the examiner of the eaftern fhore.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That immediately after the paffing of this
act, the fees of the examiner-general of the weftern fhore, and the examiner of the eaftern
fhore, fhall be and they are hereby increafed fifty per cent, in addition to their fees already al-
lowed by law.
Paffed Jan. 10.
Fees increafed.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That, the examiner-general of the weftern fhore, and the examiner
of the eaftern fhore, fhall lay before the next general affembly an account, on oath, of the
amount of their fees for the prefent year.
Account to be
rendered, &c.
III. This act to continue and be in force until the firft day of October next, and until the end
of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
An ACT to alter, abolifh and repeal, certain parts of the conftitution and form
of government of this ftate as are therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the holding elections at any one place in each county of this ftate is attended
with great inconvenience to all citizens remote from faid place, and operates to deprive
many perfons entitled to fuffrage from the exercife of that right; and as it is defirable that the
full, free and fair voice of the people fhould be expreffed in their choice of the functionaries of
Paffed Jan. 20.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the feveral counties of this ftate,
for the purpofe of holding all future elections for delegates, electors of the fenate, and fheriffs
of the feveral counties, fhall be divided into feparate diftricts in the manner herein after directed,
viz. Saint-Mary's county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Kent county
fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Calvert county fhall be divided and laid
off into three feparate diftricts, Charles county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate
diftricts, Talbot county fhall be divided and lain off into four feparate diftricts, Somerfet county
fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Dorchefter county fhall be divided and
laid off into three feparate diftricts, Caecil county fhall be divided and laid off into four feparate
diftricts, Prince-George's county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Queen-
Anne's county fhall be divided and off into three feparate diftricts, Worcefter county fhall
be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Frederick county fhall be divided and laid off
into feven feparate diftricts, Harford county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate dif-
tricts, Caroline county fhall be divided and laid off into three feparate diftricts, Washington
county fhall be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Montgomery county fhall be di-
vided and laid off into five feparate diftricts, Allegany county fhall be divided and laid off into
fix feparate diftricts.
Counties di-
vided into dif-
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Anne-Arundel county, including the city of Annapolis, fhall
be divided and laid off into five feparate diftricts.
A. A. county
into five.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Baltimore county, out of the limits of the city of Baltimore,
fhall fee divided and laid off into feven diftricts, and that the city of Baltimore fhall be laid off
into eight diftricts.
Baltimore into
feven, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part of the constitution and form of government
relating to the judges, time, place and manner, of holding elections in the city of Baltimore,
and all and every part of the fecond, third, fifth, fourteenth and forty-fecond fections of the
conftitution and form of government of this ftate, which relate to the judges, place, time and
manner of holding the feveral elections for delegates, electors of the fenate, and fheriffs of the
feveral counties, be and the fame are hereby abrogated, repealed and annulled, and the fame
fhall hereafter be regulated by law.
Parts of the
conftitution re-
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act fhall be confirmed by the general affembly, after the
next election of delegates, in the firft feffion alter fuch new election; as the conftitution and form
of government directs, that in fuch cafe this act, and the alteration of the faid conftitution con-
tained therein fhall be confidered as a part, and fhall constitute and be valid as a part, of the
faid conftitution and form of government, to all intents and purpofes, any thing therein contained
to the contrary notwithstanding.
If confirmed, to
be a part of the
An ACT to alter, abolifh and repeal, fuch parts of the conftitution and form
of government of this ftate as are therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the holding elections at any one place in each county of this ftate is attended
with great inconvenience to all citizens remote from faid place, and operates to deprive
many perfons entitled to fuffrage from the exercife of that right and as it is defirable that the
full, free and fair voice of the people fhould be expreffed in their choice of the functionaries of
Paffed Jan. 20.