C H A P.
fhall be Judges of the elections of members of the houfe of representatives of the United States,
as alfo of the elections of electors of prefidents and vice-prefident of the United States, held in
the city of Baltimore as a part of the faid feveral fifth diftricts, and fhall have and exercife all
the rights and authorities refpecting fuch elections which were vefted in the commiffioners of
Baltimore-town, by the act to which this is a fupplement, and the fupplementary acts thereto,
any thing to the contrary hereof in the faid acts notwithftanding.
Paffed Jan. 20.
An ACT to authorife Jane Green, adminiftratrix of Valentine Green, to difpofe
of part of the real eftate of faid Green, and for other purpofes therein men-
WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, that a benefit and advantage will refult to the
eftate of Valentine Green, late of Caroline county, deceafed, and to the orphans in-
terefted therein, by authorifing the adminiftratrix of the faid Green to difpofe of part of the
real eftate thereof; therefore,
J. Green to dif-
pofe of a lot of
ground, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Jane Green, adminiftratrix of
Valentine Green, be and fhe is hereby authorifed and directed to difpofe of, by way of public
vendue, on or before the firft Monday of May next, by giving at leaft four weeks notice previous
to the day of fale in fome public paper, all that lot of ground in the village of Hillfborough, in
Caroline county, containing about one and a half acres, part of a tract of land called Baynard's
Large Range Addition, with the improvements thereon, on a credit of twelve months, the pur-
chafer giving bond, on intereft, from date, with fecurity, to be approved by the orphans court
of Caroline county.
Bond to be
taken in the
name of the
ftate, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bond for the amount of the property when fold fhall be
taken in the name of the ftate of Maryland, and for the ufe and benefit of the eftate of faid
Green and the orphans interefted therein, and depofited with the regifter of wills of Caroline
county, and by him fafely to be kept until the expiration of the credit given on the fale of faid
lot and improvements aforefaid, when he is hereby authorifed and directed to put the faid bond
in fuit, and the money, when recovered, fhall be paid over by the faid regifter to the guardian
or guardians of the faid Green's children, in fuch proportion or proportions as fhall appear to be
due to the orphan or orphans from a final fettlement of the eftate of faid Green; provided never-
thelefs, that if it fhall appear to the orphans court of Caroline county, that there is not a fuffi-
ciency of perfonal eftate to fatisfy the claims againft the eftate of faid Green, the orphans court
aforefaid may and they are hereby required to direct the application of the money, or fuch part
thereof as may appear to them neceffary, to the payment of the faid Green's debts, and the
balance, if any, paid to the guardians as aforefaid, any thing in this act to the contrary not-
for dower.
IV. AND, whereas the widow and adminiftratrix of the faid Valentine Green hath her right
of dower in the faid property, and it is reafonable fhe fhould have a proportionate compenfation
for the fame; therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That the fixth part of the money arifing from the fale of
the before-mentioned property, when recovered by the faid regifter, be paid to Jane Green, widow
and adminiftratrix of Valentine Green, as a compenfation for her dower in the faid property.
J. Green to
make a deed,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid Jane Green be authorifed, and fhe is hereby empower-
ed, to make the purchafer a deed in fee-fimple of the faid lot of ground, which deed fhall veft in
him as complete a title in fee as if the fame had been deeded by Valentine Green in his life-
time, any law to the contrary notwithftanding; provided, that the faid Jane Green fhall not pro-
ceed to fell the faid lot of ground, or any part thereof, before a written permiffion to that effect
is figned by the orphans court of Caroline county, which permiffion fhall alfo certify that the
fale of faid lot of ground and improvements will be of benefit and advantage to the eftate of
Valentine Green, and to the orphans interefted therein, which written permiffion fhall be en-
rolled among the records of the orphans court of Caroline county.
Paffed Jan. 20.
Clerk to grant
licences, &c.
An ACT to lay a tax on billiard tables.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the clerk of each county be and he
is hereby empowered and authorifed to grant a licence to fuch perfon or perfons as may ap-
ply for permiffion to keep a billiard table, for every of which licence there fhall be paid the fum
of fifty dollars refpectively, to be appropriated to the ufe of the counties.
To be renewed
annually, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That during the continuance of this act all licences for keeping bil-
liard tables fhall be renewed annually, on the firft day of April, on pain that any perfon thus
omitting or neglecting to renew his licence, and continuing to keep open his billiard table for
ufe, fhall be liable to all the penalties mentioned in this act; and provided, that any perfon ap-
plying for a licence after the firft day of April, fhall pay in proportion to the time the faid licence
has to run, ending on the laft day of March, annually.
Penalty for
keeping with-
out license.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any perfon or perfons keeping or exhibiting for ufe a billiard
table or tables, without a licence as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of one
hundred and fifty dollars, one half to the informer, and the other half to the county, to be re-
covered by indictment in the county court in which fuch offence may be committed.
IV. PROVIDED ALWAYS, That nothing in this act fhall be conftrued to extend in its operation
to the cities of Annapolis, George-town, Baltimore, or the precincts of Baltimore.