Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT to repeal certain claufes in the act entitled, An act for the better ad-
miniftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs, granting adminiftrations, recovery
of legacies, fecuring filial portions and diftribution of inteftates eftates, as alfo
in the act, entitled, An additional and fupplementary act to the feveral acts for-
the adminiftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs.
WHEREAS fubftantial juftice and found policy require that every peaceable denomination
of chrftians fhould equally enjoy the bleffings of a free government, fecured by the united
efforts of all, and that no discriminations fhould fubfift whereby a citizen of one religious deno-
mination is precluded from the enjoyment of any civil right and advantage of any other religious
denomination; and whereas it appears to have been the true meaning and intent of the founders
of the declaration of rights, and form of government, to abolifh all odious and injurious diftincti-
ons, but doubts are entertained whether or not anything contained in the faid declaration, or
form, be fufficient to abrogate, repeal or annul, the tenth claufe or article in an act, entitled,
Art act for the better adminiftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs, granting adminiftrations,
recovery of legacies, fecuring filial portions and diftribution of inteftates eftates, and the twelfth
and thirteenth articles or claufes in an act, entitled, An additional and fupplementary act to the
feveral acts for the adminiftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs ;
Claufes repeal-
Paffed Jan. 15.
D. Crawford,
&c. to propofe
a fcheme, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid tenth claufe, article or
fection, of an act, entitled, An act for the better adminiftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs,
granting adminiftrations, recovery of legacies, fecuring filial portions and diftribution of intef-
tates eftates, paffed at a feffion of affembly in the year feventeen hundred and fifteen, and alfo
the twelfth and thirteenth claufes, articles or fections, of an act, entitled, An additional and fup-
plementary act to the feveral acts for the adminiftration of juftice in teftamentary affairs, paffed
at a feffion of affembly in the year feventeen hundred and twenty-nine, be, and are hereby de-
clared to be, repealed, abrogated, and henceforth to all intents and purpofes null and void.
An ACT to authorife a lottery to raife a fum of money to clear out the creeks
leading to and from Upper-Marlborough and Queen-Anne, in Prince-George's
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general affembly, by the petition of fundry in-
habitants of Prince-George's county, that the creeks leading to and from Upper-Marl-
borough and Queen-Anne, in Prince-George's county, are much filled up, whereby the trade to
faid places is materially injured, and it is prayed that a law may pafs authorising a lottery for the
purpofe of clearing out faid creeks; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may be lawful for
David Crawford, Thomas Duckett, Samuel Hepburn, Thomas Lanfdale, John Read Magruder,
fenior, Samuel Tyler, fenior, Jacob Duckett, Charles Clagett, John Hodges, of Thomas, and
Richard Wells Brafhears, or a majority of them, to propofe a fcheme or fchemes of a lottery for
railing a fum of money, not exceeding three thoufand dollars, and to fell and difpofe of the
tickets thereof, provided the faid David Crawford, Thomas Duckett, Samuel Hepburn, Thomas
Lanfdale, John Read Magruder, fenior, Samuel Tyler, fenior, Jacob Duckett, Charles Clagett,
John Hodges, of Thomas, and Richard Wells Brafhears, or fuch majority of them as fhall un-
dertake to act under this law, do, before the fale or difpofal of any ticket or tickets in faid
lottery, give their bond to the ftate of Maryland, in the penalty of twenty thoufand dollars,
conditioned that they will well and truly apply fo much of the money arifing therefrom, within
three months after the drawing of faid lottery, as will fatisfy the fortunate adventurer for prizes
drawn by them, and after deducting the neceffary expences incurred in faid lottery, fhall, within
twelve months from the drawing of faid lottery, have the faid creeks cleared out in the beft
manner the fum of money raifed by this lottery will admit, not appropriating more than a juft
proportion of fuch money to the clearing out of the creeks leading to each place.
Bond to be
lodged, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it fhall be the duty of faid commiffioners, before they act as
fuch, to lodge fuch bond in the clerk's office of Prince-George's county, there to be recorded,
and upon fuch bonds, or any office copy thereof, fuit or fuits may be inftituted againft the obli-
gors therein, or any of them, or their legal representatives, for any breach or non-compliance
with the condition of the fame.
Penalty for pro-
ceeding before
entering into
bond, &c.
IV. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any of faid commiffioners fhall proceed to act as
fuch before they enter into bond as aforefaid, in the penalty as aforefaid, he or they fhall be
fubject to a penalty, not exceeding one hundred pounds, for every fuch offence, to be recovered
of him or them by a prefentment in Prince-George's county court.
Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Anne-Arundel county to
affefs and levy a fum of money annually for the purpofe therein mentioned,.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of Sufanna Purdy,
of Anne-Arundel county, that fhe is a very poor woman, the mother of a helplefs daugh-
ter, a cripple, who is entirely without the ufe of her limbs, and praying that a law may pafs,
authorifing the juftices of the levy court, to levy annually a fum of money for her fupport out of
the poor's houfe and the prayer of the petitioner appearing reafonable, therefore,
Juftices to levy
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of the levy court for
Anne-Arundel county be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to levy annually the