appoint and commiffion, three perfons of integrity and found judgment, refiding within the city
or precincts of Baltimore, as affociate juftices of the Baltimore city court, to act in conduction
with the chief juftice of the third diftrict, to perform the bufinefs of the faid court, and which
fa id court fhall hereafter be ftyled, in all legal proceedings, Baltimore City Court; and the faid
chief juftice, or any two of his affociates, fhall be and they are hereby empowered and required
to meet on the fecond Monday in January, on the first Monday in March and August and on
the third Monday in November, in every year, for the trial of all felonies, crimes, offences and
mifdemeanors, committed, or that may hereafter be committed, in Baltimore city or precincts,
and not particularly by law directed to be tried in the general court.
C H A P.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fheriff of Baltimore county for the time being fhall fum-
mon forty-eight good and lawful men of the city or precincts of Baltimore, fix days before the
days herein before appointed for the holding faid court, as grand and petit jurors, for the pre-
fentment and trial of criminal cafes only, and fhall return a pannel of them accordingly; and
every perfon that fhall be fo fummoned, and fhall neglect or refufe to appear at the day, and
make default, fhall be fined by the faid juftices not exceeding ten pounds current money to be
applied to the ufe of Baltimore county, and every grand and petit juror fhall have an allowance
of one dollar and thirty-three cents for every day's attendance, to be affeffed and collected with
the county affeffment.
Sheriff to fum-
mon jurors, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and fingular the claufes, fections and provifions, con-
tained in the act paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, entitled, An
act refpecting the punifhment of criminals, except fo much thereof as relates to, and provides
for, the appointment of, and compenfation to, the chief juftice and his affociates, the fummon-
ing a grand and petit jury, and fuch parts thereof as are repealed by the operation of an act of
affembly paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, entitled, An act to erect
Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county, into a city, and to incorporate the inhabitants thereof, be
and are hereby continued until the thirtieth day of January, in the year eighteen hundred; and
all and fingular the jurifdiction, powers and authorities, vefted in the court of over and terminer
and gaol delivery for Baltimore county by faid aft, fhall be and are hereby vefted in, and may-
be rightfully exercifed by, Baltimore city court, at their fittings for criminal bufinefs as herein
before mentioned, excepting that Baltimore city court fhall have cognizance of fuch felonies,
crimes, offences and mifdemeanors only, as are or may be committed in the body of Baltimore
city and precincts.
Claufes, &c.
continued, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all felonies, crimes and mifdemeanors, triable in the county
courts of this ftate, and committed in the body of Baltimore county, without the limits of Bal-
timore city and precincts, may and fhall be tried, or fubmitted on prefentment, in Baltimore
county court, and faid court may pafs judgment, in the fame manner that any county court may,
againft any criminal convicted before them; and the fheriff of Baltimore county for the time be-
ing fhall hereafter fummon grand and petit jurors to attend the faid county courts, in the fame
manner as is or may be done in the other counties of this ftate, any thing in the twenty-eighth
fection of the act, entitled, An act refpecting the punifhment of criminals, paffed at November
feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, notwithstanding; and all felonies, crimes, offences
and mifdemeanors, triable in the county courts of this ftate, and committed in the body of Bal-
timore county, may and fhall be tried or fubmitted in Baltimore county court, in their half year-
ly fittings for the transaction of the civil bufinefs of the faid county; and all mifdemeanors and
offences triable before a fingle juftice of the peace may, as heretofore, be tried before any juf-
tice of the peace of faid county, and the offender (if guilty) punifhed as the law directs; pro-
vided always, that nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued to leffen or impair the jurifdiction
of the general court in any criminal matter wherein the faid jurifdiction is concurrent with that
of the county courts of this ftate.
Certain felo-
nies. &c. to be
tried in Balti-
more county,
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid chief juftice fhall receive, as a compenfation for his
fervices, at the rate of three hundred pounds current money per annum, on condition he fhall
refide in the city or precincts of Baltimore, and in cafe the faid chief juftice fhall not refide in
the faid city or precincts, then and in that event he fhall only be entitled to receive at the rate of
two hundred pounds current money per annum; and the faid affociate juftices fhall each of them
receive the fum of twenty fhillings per diem for their attendance in courts; and the compenfation
to the faid chief juftice, and his affociates as aforefaid, fhall be levied and paid as heretofore, in
the manner prefcribed by the act of affembly, entitled, An act refpecting the punifhment of cri-
minals, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-three.
to the chief
juftice, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all thofe claufes, regulations and provifions, of the act of af-
fembly paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-feven, entitled, An act to fe-
parate the criminal bufmefs arifing in the county and city of Baltimore, which are contained in
the fecond, third, fourth, fifth, feventh and laft fections thereof, be and the fame are hereby
Claufes, &c.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all thofe claufes, regulations and provifions, of the faid act,
entitled, An act to feparate the criminal bufmefs arifmg in the county and city of Baltimore,
which are contained in the fixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth feffions
thereof, be and the fame are hereby continued and declared to be in force during the continu-
ance of this act.
Claufes, &c.
VIII. This act to continue and be in force until the thirtieth day of January, eighteen hun-