fum of thirty dollars on faid county for the fupport and maintenance of Sufanna Purdy, and
that the fame be collected and paid to the faid Sufanna Purdy by the collector or collectors of
Anne-Arundel county, agreeably to the order of the levy court aforefaid.
C H A P.
An ACT to authorife Richard Tilghman, William Hopper, Thomas Wright,
of Thomas, and Thomas J. Seth, of Queen-Anne's county, to raife by lot-
tery a fum of money for the purpofes therein mentioned.
Paffed Jan. 15.
WHEREAS Richard Tilghman, William Hopper, Thomas Wright, of Thomas, and Thomas
J. Seth, by their petition to this general affembly have fet forth, that they, with other
perfons, compofed the veftry of Saint-Paul's parifh, lying partly in Queen-Anne's county and
partly in Talbot county, from the year feventeen hundred and fixty-five to the year feventeen
hundred and feventy-fix, and that large fums of tobacco were ordered by the legiflature of their
province to be levied on the inhabitants of the faid parifh for the purpofe of building a new
church, and repairing the chapel; that the fums fo levied were found inefficient to accomplifh
the objects contemplated, and the veftry, under an impreffion that the legiflature would order
new fums to be levied for the purpofe of reimburfing them, borrowed, on their own private ac-
count, confiderable fums of money, which were expended in completing the faid buildings; And
whereas it appears, by an account laid before the legiflature, that the faid parifh ftands indebted
to the faid veftry for money by them actually expended, over and above the fums levied and
voluntarily contributed, in the full fum of two thoufand nine hundred and eleven pounds, in-
cluding intereft: And whereas juftice demands that the faid fum of money fhould be reimburfed
to the petitioners, and no plan fo eligible as that of a lottery offers itfelf for the attainment of
this end; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Richard Tilghman, William
Hopper, Thomas Wright, of Thomas, and Thomas J. Seth, of Queen-Anne's county, or any
three of them, may and they are hereby authorifed to propofe a fcheme or fchemes of a lottery
for railing the fum of three thoufand pounds current money, and to fell and difpofe of the
tickets thereof to any perfon or perfons whatfoever, any law to the contrary notwithftanding;
provided, that before propofing the faid fcheme or fchemes, the faid Richard Tilghman, Wil-
liam Hopper, Thomas Wright, of Thomas, and Thomas J, Seth, or any three of them, give
their joint and feveral bond to the ftate of Maryland, in the penalty of twenty thoufand pounds,
with a condition that they will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, within three mouths
after the drawing the faid lottery, to the fortunate adventurers, fuch prizes, if demanded, as
may be drawn by them, with fuch deductions from the faid prizes as fhall be mentioned in the
faid fcheme or fchemes to be propofed as aforefaid.
R. Tilghman,
&c. may pro-
pofe a fcheme,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid Richard Tilghman, William Hopper, Thomas Wright,
of Thomas, and Thomas J. Seth, may and they are hereby authorifed and allowed to appropriate
the faid fum of three thoufand pounds to their own ufe, in fair and juft proportions, according
to the feveral fums by them expended in manner aforefaid.
And appropri-
ate the money,
An ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled, A fupplement to the act for the
eftablifhment and regulation of levy courts in the feveral counties of this
Paffed Jan, 15.
WHEREAS by an act, entitled, A fupplement to the act for the eftablifhment and regula-
tion of levy courts in the feveral counties of this ftate, paffed at this prefent feffion of
affembly, it is enacted, that no member of the general affembly, nor commiffioner of the tax,
fhall be appointed a juftice of the levy court under faid act: And whereas exclusions from office
ought not to be introduced further than public utility may abfolutely require,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That fo much of the faid act as pro-
vides that no member of the general affembly, or commiffioner of the tax, fhall be appointed a
juftice of the levy court under faid act, be and the fame is hereby repealed and made void and of
no effect, any thing in the faid act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Parts of an act
An ACT to make permanent and to continue the acts of affembly therein men-
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled, An act for the more
effectual punifhment of certain offenders, and for taking from them the benefit of clergy,
paffed at April feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-feven, fhall be and hereby is
enacted into a permanent law; that an ad, entitled, An act for the gauge of barrels for pork,
beef, pitch, tar, turpentine, and tare of barrels for flour or bread, paffed at Auguft feffion, one
thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, fhall be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth day of
October, eighteen hundred and five, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall
happen thereafter; that an act, entitled, An act to prevent certain evils and inconveniencies at-
teding the fale of ftrong liquors, and running of horfe-races, near the yearly meetings of the
people called Quakers, and to prevent the tumultuous concourfe of negroes and other flaves
during the faid meetings, paffed at May feffion, one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven,
fhall be and is hereby enacted into a permanent law; that an act, entitled, An additional fupple-
mentary act to the act, enitled, An act relating to fervants and flaves, paffed at May feffion,
one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, fhall be and hereby is enacted into a permanent law ;
that an act, entitled, An act to enable the feveral and refpective county clerks within this pro-
vince to remove fome of the county records and papers from the public offices, paffed at May
Paffed Jan, 18.
Several acts
continued, &c.