C H A P.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That on application of either of the
faid debtors to the chancellor, by petition in writing, offering to deliver to the ufe of his cre-
ditors all his property, real, perfonal, or mixed, to which he is any way entitled, a fchedule
whereof, (on oath or affirmation, as the cafe may require), together with the life of the creditors
of the perfon fo applying an oath or affirmation, as far as can afcertain there, fhall be an-
nexed on fuch petition, the chancellor fhall direct perfonal notice of fuch application to be given
to the creditors, or to as many of them as can be ferved therewith, or their agents or attornies,
or direct notice of fuch application to be inferted in the public news-papers for fuch time as he
may think proper, which, in cafe of there being a creditor or creditors beyond fea, fhall not be
lefs than fix months, and on their appearance or neglect to appear as notice, at the time of
times and place appointed, the chancellor fhall adminifter to the petitioning debtor the follow-
ing oath, or affirmation as the cafe may require: "I, A. B. do fwear, or folemnly, fincerely
" and may declare and affirm, that I will deliver to, convey and transfer, to my creditors, in
" fuch manner as the chancellor fhall direct, all my property that I have or claim any title to or
" intereft in, by this time, and all debts, rights and claims, which I have, or am any way enti-
" titled to, in poffeffion, remainder or reverfion, and that I have not, directly or indirectly, at
" any time, fold, conveyed, leffened or difpofed of, for the ufe or benefit of any perfon or per-
" fons, or , any part of my money, or other property, debts, rights or claims, thereby
" to defraud my creditors, or any of them; or to fecure the fame to receive or expect any profit,
" benefit or advantage thereby," and the chancellor fhall thereupon name fuch perfon as a majo-
rity of the creditors in value their agents or attornies, then prefent, fhall recommend, to be a
truftee for the benefit of the creditors of the petitioning debtor, or in cafe of the non-attendance
of the creditors, or of their not making a recommendation, the chancellor fhall name fuch per-
fon as he fhall think proper to be a truftee as aforefaid.