II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Jofeph Crefap, Thomas Dawfon,
of William, and Ebenezer Davis, or any two of them, be and they are hereby appointed com-
miffioners for the purpose of laying off a road from Martin's ford, on the north branch of Pa-
towmack, to interfect the main road leading from the mouth of George's creek to Cumberland,
in the moft direct and convenient way, fo as to interfect, the fame, and the faid road, when fo
laid out, opened, cleared and completed, at the expense of the petitioners, and after the valua-
tion herein after directed to be made, and the damages hereby directed to be affeffed, fhall be
paid, or fecured, to the individuals concerned, fhall be recorded among the records of Allegany
county court, and be thereafter deemed and taken to be a public road for ever, and fhall be kept
in repair in manner and form herein directed.
C H A P.
appointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commiffioners aforefaid fhall afcertain and value what
damages fuch road running through any perfons land fhall amount to, which fhall be paid to the
perfon fo damaged by the parties petitioning for, or writing faid road.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all perfons fubject to labour on, or otherwife keep in repair,
public roads, and living on the following tracts or parcels of land, to wit: The Cove, Long
Bottom, and lot number three thoufand five hundred and eighty-one, fhall be fubject to an over-
feer, to be appointed as other overfeers are appointed in Allegany county, and fhall labour on,
or otherwise keep in repair, the road aforefaid, and fhall not be liable to labour on, or keep in
repair, any other public road in faid county.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid road fhall not exceed twenty feet in wideth, and fhall
not go through any orchard or meadow, unlefs with the approbation of the owner or owners
Who fhall af-
certain da-
mages, &c.
An ACT to eftablifh and confirm certain acts done by perfons holding offices of
trail and profit under the government of the United States.
WHEREAS perfons in feveral of the counties of this ftate have continued to act as affociate
juftices of the county courts, or us juftices of the peace, or as juftices of the orphans
courts therein, alter having accepted offices of profit and truft under the government of the
United States, and doubts are entertained as. to the validity of all acts done before or by them,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon holding an office
of profit or truft under the government of the United State, fince the thirteen day of December,
feventeen hundred and ninety-one, hath, at the fame time, acted as juftice of the peace, or as
an affociate juftice, or as a juftice of the orphans courts within this ftate, under a commiffion
from the executive thereof, that each and every act done by or before fuch perfon in the capa-
city of a juftice of the peace, or as affociate juftice, or juftice of the orphans courts, within the
proper limits of his jurifdiction, fhall be and the fame are hereby declared valid and effectual, to
all intents and purpofes.
Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT to enable the juftices of Kent county court to caufe to be tranfcribed
the records and papers therein mentioned,
WHEREAS it is represented to this general affembly, that fundry of the record books and
other papers belonging to the orphans court of Kent county are much defaced and injured,
and by being fuffered to remain in their prefent ftate they may be entirely ufelefs, and the inha-
bitants of faid county would be much injured thereby; therefore,
Paffed Jan. 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of Kent county court
fhall and they are hereby authorifed and required, to caufe all fuch record books and papers be-
longing to the orphans court of faid county, as have been defaced and much injured, and fuch as
they, in their discretion, may think neceffary, to be tranfcribed into new record books by fome
perfon to be appointed by the faid court, and the record fo tranfcribed fhall be good in law, to
all intents and purpofes, as the original records from which they were tranfcribed.
juftices to caufe
records to be
tranfcribed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the juftices of the levy court for the faid county are hereby
empowered to affefs and levy on the faid county fuch a fum of money as the juftices of the coun-
ty court may direct, to defray the cofts and charges arifing for tranfcribing the faid records and
other papers belonging to the orphans court aforefaid, after the fame fhall have been done, in
the fame manner as other county charges are impofed and levied, and the fame fhall, when col-
lected, be paid to the perfon by whome the fame fhall be tranfcribed, for his trouble and expences
in performing the duties required by this act.
Money to be
An ACT to incorporate a fchool in Allegany county, by the name of Allegany
County School.
WHEREAS it is reafonable that education fhould be to the feveral parts of this
fchool in Allegany county, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in order to the erecting and
building a houfe and other conveniences for a country fchool, the perfons herein after named,
have power to purchase one or more acres of land in or adjoining the town of Cumberland, in
Allegany county, to wit: John Lynn, Even Gwynn, William M'Mahon, Jofeph Crefap, David
Lynn, Patrick Murdock, Hanson Brifcoe, John B. Beall and John C. Beatty, who fhall be vifitors
of faid fchool, which faid perfons, fo nominated vifitors for Allegany fchool, and their
Paffed Jan. 15.