C H A P.
manded within that time, then fuch furplus to be paid to the truftees of the poor-houfe for
Montgomery county.
may plead, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any perfon fhall be fued for impounding any fwine found
upon his land, or any land in his poffeffion, the defendant may plead the general iffue, and give
this act and the fpecial matter in evidence.
Paffed Jan. 15.
A Further fupplement to the act, entitled, An act to lay out feveral turnpike
roads in Baltimore county, and for other purpofes.
WHEREAS the commiffioners of review for Baltimore county have not, in conformity to
the powers vefted in them by an act of the laft general affembly, entitled, A further fup-
plement to the act, entitled, An act to lay out feveral turnpike roads in Baltimore county, and
for other purpofes, within the time therein limitted, reviewed and ultimately afcertained, the
direction of the feveral turnpike roads mentioned in faid further fupplement; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the time limitted in the faid fur-
ther fupplement, paffed at the laft feffion of affembly, for afcertaining and fixing the direction of
the turnpike roads therein mentioned, he and the fame is hereby extended to the firft Monday in
October next.
to meet, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid commiffioners of review, (provided it is not fooner
done,) fhall meet in the city of Baltimore on the firft Monday in May next, and from thence pro-
ceed to review, and ultimately afcertain, the direction of all the roads which they are authorifed
to review and afcertain, and if a majority of the faid commiffioners of review fhall not attend
agreeably to the direction of this act, unlefs prevented by ficknefs, the commiffioner or commiffi-
oners attending fhall, within ten days, notify to the clerk of the commiffioners of the tax the
names of the abfent commiffioners of review neglecting to attend as aforefaid, or prevented by
ficknefs, and the faid clerk is hereby directed to call, by public advertifement, a meeting of
the commiffioners of the tax, who fhall, upon their meeting, proceed to the appointment of other
commiffioners of review in the place of thole neglecting to attend as aforefaid; and the
faid commiffioners of review, fo appointed by the commiffioners of the tax, fhall be deemed com-
miffioners of review in the place of thofe excluded by neglecting to attend as aforefaid.
And review and
afcertain the
direction, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commiffioners of review fo appointed by the commiffioners
of the tax, in conjunction with thofe retaining their places, or a majority of them, fhall, on or
before the firft Monday of October next, review, and ultimately afcertain, the direction of all
roads which by the original act and fupplements thereto, to which this is a further fupplement,
and an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the feveral public roads in feveral counties,
and for other purpofes therein mentioned, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and
ninety, they are authorifed to review, and ultimately afcertain, not heretofore reviewed and
afcertained agreeably to the provifions of the original act, and the fupplements thereto, and
when the faid road or roads fhall be fo ascertained, a plot fhall be returned thereof, within two
months, to the clerk of Baltimore county, for the purpofe of being recorded.
Penalty for ne-
glect, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in cafe the commiffioner or commiffioners of review attending
on the faid firft Monday in May next, or within ten days thereafter, fhall neglect to notify to the
clerk of the commiffioners of the tax the names of the abfent commiffioners of review, if any,
the faid commiffioner or commiffioners fo neglecting as aforefaid fhall be fubject to the payment
of a fine of one hundred dollars, one half thereof to go to the informer, and the other half for
the ufe of Baltimore county, to be recovered by indictment or information.
Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgomery county to
affefs and levy annually a fum of money for the fupport of Jofeph Crown,
WHEREAS Jofeph Crown, of Montgomery county, by his petition to this general affembly
hath fet forth, that he is now in the ninety-fecond year of his age, and has no other de-
pendence whereby to fubfift but on the benevolence and care of an affectionate daughter, who is
very poor, and prays an act may pafs to provide for his future maintenance out of the poor's
houfe; and the facts ftated in faid petition appearing to be true, therefore,
Juftices to levy
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of Montgomery
county fhall be and are hereby directed and empowered, at their levy court annually fo long as
they fhall fee caufe, to affefs and levy on the affeffable property of faid county a fum
not exceeding thirty dollars, for the fupport and maintenance of faid Jofeph Crown, and that
the fame be collected and paid annually by the collector of Montgomery county, fo fuch perfon as
the levy court of faid county fhall or may direct.
Paffed Jan. 15.
C H A P. LV.
An ACT to open a road from Martin's ford, on the north branch of Patow-
mack, to interfect the main road leading from the mouth of George's creek to
the town of Cumberland.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of fundry inhabitants
of Allegany county, that they find it inconvenient and troublefome to transport the pro-
duce of their farms to market, owing to the want of a road from Martin's ford, on the north
branch of Patowmack, the moft direct and convenient way, to interfect the main road leading
from the mouth of George's creek to Cumberland.