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Session Laws, 1798
Volume 653, Page 30   View pdf image
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C H A P.

Not to interfere
with the pre-
fent market,

V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued in any manner to
interfere with the market at prefent eftablifhed in the faid town, but that the fame be held on
the days as heretofore directed, on which faid days no market fhall be held in the market-houfe
to be eftablifhed by this act, neither fhall any market be held at the prefent market-houfe on the
days fet apart and appointed by this act, when the faid market-houfe fhall be finifhed, as, con-
templated by this act.

Paffed Jan. 15.


An ACT for the relief of Henry Clark, fenior, of Montgomery county.

WHEREAS a certain Richard James, of Montgomery county, did, by his deed, bearing
date on the twenty-fixth day of April, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven,
convey in fee-fimple to the faid Henry Clark, fenior, all that piece or parcel of land called
White Oak Valley, containing one hundred and ten acres, and alfo all that piece or parcel of
land, being part of a tract of land called The Charles and William, and part of a tract of land
called the Labyrinth, containing forty-five and one half acres of land, the faid Richard James
being at the time of making the faid deed an alien, and not naturalized; and it appearing that
the faid Henry Clark, fenior, was ignorant of the faid circumftances until fhortly before the
twenty-fourth day of February, feventeen hundred and ninety-eight, on which day an efcheat
warrant was taken out of the weftern fhore land-office by the faid Henry Clark, fenior, to affect
and fecure his title in the faid land, and the general affembly having heretofore, in fimilar cafes,
releafed that part of the valuation to which the ftate is by law entitled; therefore,

Deed confirm-
ed, &c.

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid deed from the faid Ri-
chard James to the faid Henry Clark, fenior, bearing date as aforefaid, be and is hereby con-
firmed to the faid Henry Clark, his heirs and affigns, to all intents whatfoever, as fully as if the
faid Richard James, at the time of making thereof, had been a naturalized citizen of the ftate
aforefaid, and that the faid Henry Clark, fenior, be releafed from the payment of any fum or
fums of money which have become due to the ftate on account of its portion of the valuation of
the faid property; provided always, that nothing in this act contained fhall be taken or conftrued
to affect the right or rights of any perfon or perfons claiming title in the premifes above menti-
oned, other than the perfons herein mentioned, and thofe claiming under them.

Paffed Jan. 15.


An ACT to empower the levy court of Baltimore county to affefs and levy a
fum of money for the purpofe therein mentioned.

WHEREAS Henry Ridgely hath reprefented to this general affembly, that in the month of
November, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, he was appointed chief juftice of the third.
diftrict of Maryland, as alfo chief juftice of the criminal court of Baltimore county; and that
the chief juftice of the faid diftrict was, by the act of affembly in that cafe made and provided,
entitled to receive a compenfation for his fervices as chief juftice of the faid Baltimore county
criminal court, at the rate of two hundred pounds current money per annum, only on the con-
dition that the faid chief juftice fhould actually refide in the city of Baltimore: And whereas the
faid Henry Ridgely hath ftated, that owing to fundry accidents and inconveniencies he was
rendered utterly unable to take up his refidence in the city of Baltimore, as the law required,
from the month of November, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, to the month of November,
feventeen hundred and ninety-feven, and that in confequence thereof he forfeited the payment
of the falary appertaining to him as chief juftice of the Baltimore county criminal court for that
time, notwithstanding that he actually officiated as chief juftice of the faid Baltimore county
criminal court at very confiderable labour and expence, for which he has never been com-
penfated; therefore.

Juftices to levy

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of the levy court of
Baltimore county fhall be and they are hereby directed and empowered to affefs and levy on faid
county the fum of two hundred pounds current money, and that the fame, when collected by
the collector of Baltimore county, fhall be by him paid, according to the order of the levy court
aforefaid, to the faid Henry Ridgely, as a compenfation for his fervices as chief juftice of Balti-
more county criminal court from the month of November, feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, to
the month of November, feventeen hundred and ninety-feven.

Paffed Jan. 15.


An ACT for the relief of certain foreigners therein mentioned.

WHEREAS doctor John Nicholas, Andrew Bogan, Chriftopher Brandt, Chriftopher Bergh-
man, John Calfflefh, Conrod Englebright, Henry Fogler, Henry Feat, Philip Fiege, John
Fouble, Chriftopher Hill, Henry Heiner, John William Hyter, Francis Klinehard, Michael Lutz-
gafell, Daniel Ludith, Michael Markwart, Peter Myerhafer, Michael Oafterday, Jacob Rote,
David Schultz, Nicholas Sever, Adam Strickftroke, Henry Herring, fenior, Nicholas Metzler,
John Frederick Magnus Amelung, George Adam Cline, Chriftopher Hickman, Jacob, Walter,
John Waldeck, James Reid and Charles Hefs, of Frederick county, John Steele, of Baltimore
county, Peter Savary, of Prince-George's county, George Thiftle and Andrew M'Clary, of
Allegany county, have emigrated to, and fettled in, this ftate, and fince their emigration and
fettlement in this ftate have acquired real property therein, and their titles to fuch property,
from their not having become naturalized before fuch property was acquired, by them, may be
called in question, to their great injury and detriment; therefore,

Title vefted,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the title to all the real property
lawfully and fairly acquired by the aforefaid perfons, or either of them, whether fuch title be

derived by grant, gift, purchafe or devife, be and the fame is hereby as amply and as fully vefted
in the perfons aforefaid, to all intents and purpofes as if they had refpectively been naturalized

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Session Laws, 1798
Volume 653, Page 30   View pdf image
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