before their titles to fuch real property had been acquired; faving neverthelefs, to all perfons
whatfoever who may have acquired, under the laws of this ftate, a title to any part of the real
eftate held by the faid perfons, or either of them, or any perfon or perfons claiming under them,
or either of them.
C H A P.
An ACT authorifing the laying out a certain road in Worcefter county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general affembly, by the petition of fundry inhabitants
of Worcester county, that the laying out a road from the interfection of Christopher's
road with the main road leading from Snow-Hill to Salifbury, and from thence by and with a pri-
vate road on the line of John Cathel and Jeffe Fooke's land until faid road interfaces Levy Ca-
thel's line, and from thence by and with the faid Levy Cathel's line as a private road now runs
until it interfects the divifion line of David Cathel and Thomas Fookes, and from thence in and
with the aforefaid private road along the line of John Cathel and Jofeph Fookes until it interfects
the divifion line between John Roberts and William Pollett's land, and from thence by and with
the line or lines aforefaid to the road that divides Worcefter and Somerfet counties near Austin's
mill, would be of public utility, therefore,
Paffed Jan. 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That William Chaille, John Dafhiell,
Jonathan Parfon, John Flint and William Toadwine, be and they are hereby authorifed to open
and clear the faid road, thirty feet wide, in the manner following, viz. The faid road leading
from the interfection of Chriftopher's road with the main road leading from Snow-Hill to Salif-
bury to the main road dividing Somerfet and Worcefter counties as aforefaid; and the faid roads
fo opened, and cleared, after the valuation herein after directed to be made, or the damages
herein after directed to be affeffed, fhall be paid or fecured to the individuals concerned, fhall be
recorded among the records of Worester county; fhall for ever thereafter be deemed a public
road, and fhall be kept in repair in the fame manner as other public roads are kept in the faid
appointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commiffioners aforefaid, or a majority of them, fhall af-
certain and value what damages may be fuftained by any perfon or perfons through whofe land
the faid road may pafs, by opening and clearing the fame, and the faid valuation fhall be made
and paid before the commiffioners fhall proceed to to open, and clear the fame; and in cafe any pro-
prietor or proprietors fhall conceive him, her or themfelves aggrieved by the valuation of the
faid commiffioner's, or fhall be an infant, feme-covert, or non compotes mentis, it fhall and may be
lawful for the faid commiffioners, on the application of any perfon interfted, to apply to any
juftice of the peace for the county of Worcefter, who fhall thereupon iffue his warrant, under
his hand and feal, to the conftable of the hundred wherein fuch lands may be, commanding him
to fummon twelve freeholders, difinterefted in the faid road, to appear on a day by him to be
appointed on the faid lands, at which time fuch freeholders fo fummmoned, fhall refpectively ap-
pear before fuch juftice, and take the following oath, or affirmation, viz. " I, A. B, do fwear,
" or affirm, that I will honeftly value the damages and injury fuftained by opening a road through
" the lands of the faid C. D. in purfuance of this act," and fhall return an inquifition of fuch
damages by them affeffed to the clerk of the county court of Worcester, and the damages fo af-
feffed fhall be conclusive.
Who fhall af-
certain da-
mages, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the perfons who may conceive themfelves interested or bene-
fitted by fuch road are hereby required to pay into the hands of the commiffioners aforefaid, for
the ufe of the perfon or perfons in whose favor fuch valuation may be made, immediately upon
laying out the road aforefaid, whatever damages be as aforefaid adjudged to the party fuftaining
fuch damages, and in cafe of failure of payment as aforefaid, this act to be null and void, but in
cafe of compliance with the provifions of this act, the faid road to be considered as a public
road, and to be kept up as a public road in faid county.
Perfons bene-
fitted to pay,
An ACT to authorife the levy court of Prince-George's county to affefs and
levy a fum of money as an additional compensation for John Thomas Boucher,
one of the affeffors of faid county.
Paffed Jan 15.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general affembly, by the petition of John Thomas
Boucher, of Prince-George's county, that he was appointed one of the affeffors of faid
county, and that the allowance limitted by law was not an adequate compenfation for the trouble
and convenience of making the affeffment within his diftrict: And whereas it is recommended
by the commiffioners of the tax of faid county that an additional allowance be made to faid
Boucher, as the performance of the duty of faid Boucher was much more laborious, and required
a greater length of time than that of any other affeffor; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Prince-George's
county, be and they are hereby authorifed and required, at their next levy court, to levy on the
affeffable property of faid county the fum of one hundred and fixty dollars, as an additional com-
pensation to faid Boucher
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the collector of Prince-George's county fhall collect and pay
the faid fum of one hundred and fixty dollars to the faid Boucher, or his order, in the fame
manner as other county charges are collected and paid.
Juftices to levy
An ACT to confirm certain proceedings of the levy court of Worecfter county.
Paffed Jan. 15.