JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
Be it enacted, That the faid regifter, for his fervices in recording the
faid wills, inventories, probats and accounts, fhall be entitled to the fame fees
as are now allowed in like cafes; and it fhall and may he lawful for the
faid regifter to charge the perfon or perfons, his, her or their legal reprefentatives,
with the fame, to whom the fame would properly have been chargeable by the
faid Francis King, and the faid fees, fo charged, to put in the fheriff's hands, to
be collected as other officers fees.
C H A P.
to the fame
fees, &c.
An ACT for the relief of Stephen Zacharie, of the city of Bal-
WHEREAS Stephen Zacharie, by his petition to this general affembly,
fets forth, that he is confiderably Indebted as a partner of Coopman
and Vochez, trading under the firm of Zacharie, Coopman and
company, and alfo in his private capacity, which debts he is unable to pay, but
is willing and defirous to deliver up all his property to truftees, for the benefit of
the creditors, and prayed an act might pafs to exempt his perfon from arreft and
imprifonment, on account of faid debts: And whereas the creditors have agreed
to the fame, on certain terms and conditions agreed to by the faid Stephen
Zacharie, and this general affembly are willing to carry into effect the agreement
of the parties,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Ste-
phen Zacharie, fhall be empowered, and is hereby required, to deliver pof-
feffion of all his real and perfonal eftafe, of what nature and kind foever, unto
Archibald Campbell, David Williamfon, James Dall, John Munnickhuyfen
and Jofeph Stewart, on or before the tenth day of March next, and to convey,
affign and transfer to them, all bonds, notes, books, accounts and other
vouchers, of any and all fums of money, or other property, due and ing to
the faid Stephen Zacharie on his feparate account, and to the firm of Zacharie,
Coopman and company.
S. Zacharie
to deliver his
property, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid Stephen Zacharie, at the time of de-
livering poffeffion of the faid real and perfonal eftate to the faid truftees, fhall
alfo make a fchedule of the fame, and deliver it to them, and make oath, to be
annexed thereto, that the faid fchedule contains a true account of all the real
and perfonal eftate, and debts due to him in his own right, and to the firm of
Zacharie, Coopman and company, appearing by the books, papers and docu-
ments, of the faid Zacharie, Coopman and company, in the poffeffion or
knowledge of the faid Stephen Zacharie; and thereupon and from thenceforth,
for the period and on the terms hereafter mentioned, the faid Stephen Zacharie
fhall be and he is hereby acquitted, exonerated and difcharged, of and from all
claims and demands now due and owing from him, either in his feparate capa-
city, or as a partner of the aforefaid Coopman and Vochez; provided, that any
property hereafter required by the faid Stephen Zacharie, by gift, devife, be-
queft, or in the courfe of diftribution, fhall be liable to the creditors.
IV. And be it enacted, That upon the affignment as aforefaid to the faid
truftees, they or the furvivor or furvivors of them, fhall be and are hereby
vefted with the abfolute eftate and property of, in and to the fame, in truft, for
the benefit of the creditors, to be applied and difpofed of to the payment and
fatisfaction of the faid creditors, in equal proportion, according to the amount
of their refpective claims; and the faid truftees, or the furvivor or furvivors of
them, fhall have full power and authority to fell, convey and difpofe of, the
fame, or any part thereof and to collect and receive the faid debts due and owing
to the faid Stephen Zacharie, or to Zacharie, Coopman and company, or if
need be, to bring fuit or fuits at law or equity in their own names, or in the
name or names of the furvivor or furvivors of them.
Eftate vefted
in the truf-
tees, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That in the execution of this truft all reafonable or
juft expences incurred or expended by the faid truftees, or the furvivor or fur-
Expences to
be paid, &c.