Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to eftablifh the road leading from Ninian Cockran's
ftore, at Genning's run-on the Turkey Foot road, up Will's
creek by John Tomlinfon's mill, in Allegany county, to the
Pennfylvania line.
WHEREAS fundry inhabitants of Allegany county, by their petition
to this general affembly, have reprefented, that there has been a pri-
vate road for twenty-feven years paft, leading from Cockran's ftore,
at Genning's run on the Turkey Foot road, up Will's creek by Tomlinfon's
mill to the Pennfylvania line, which interfects a public road leading from the
town of Bedford, in Bedford county in Pennfylvania, and as the eftablifhing the
fame as a public road would greatly adminifter to the convenience of the public,
they have prayed that the fame may be made a public road, and put upon the
fame footing, and kept up under the fame regulations, as other public roads in
faid county; which appearing to this general affembly reafonable, therefore,
Road de-
clared public,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the road in
Allegany county, leading as aforefaid from Ninian Cockran's ftore to the Penn-
fylvania line, be and the fame is hereby declared, deemed and taken to be, a
public road for ever, and hereafter to be kept up and repaired as other public
roads are in faid county, any law to the contrary notwithftanding.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. IX.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor in Talbot county,
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the fum of
three fhillings in the hundred pounds, which the juftices of the levy
court are authorifed to affefs on the property of the faid county by
the act to which this is a fupplement, is inadequate for the purpofe,
Juftices to le-
vy money,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court of Talbot county for the time being fhall and they are hereby em-
powered to affefs and levy, on all the property of the faid county fubject and
liable to affeffment at the time of laying their county rate, a fum of current
money, not exceeding four fhillings and fix-pence on every hundred pounds of
property as aforefaid, together with the collector's commiffion of four per cent.
for collecting the fame, any thing in the act to which this is a fupplement to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. X.
An ACT for the benefit of William Whittington, of Worcefter
WHEREAS William Whittington, fenior, of Worcefter county, by his
laft will, did devife a tract of land called Sandy Wharf to his fon
John, with a limitation in fee to a certain Southy Littleton Whit-
tington, in cafe the faid John fhould die before his arrival to lawful age, and
without iffue, which faid limitation took effect and the title in the faid tract of
land became vefted in the faid Southy Littleton Whittington by the death of the
faid John during his minority, and without iffue: And whereas it is reprefented,
that the faid Southy Littleton Whittington fled to the Britifh during the late war,
by reafon whereof the faid tract of land became liable to conififcation under the
exifting laws of the ftate: And whereas it is reprefented, that the faid William
Whittington, junior, being a Pofthumous fon of his father, was by the laft will
of his father unprovided for; and it appearing to this general affembly reasonable
and proper that the ftate's right to the faid land, if any, fhould be relinquifhed
to the faid William; therefore,
Right re-
leafed, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the ftate of
Maryland doth hereby releafe to the faid William Whittington, his heirs and af-