JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
peace of Kent county, which is prefcribed to be taken and made by every in-
fpedor of flour in and by the fixteenth fection of the act paffed at November
feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-one, entitled, An act to prevent the expor-
tation of bread and flour not merchantable, and for other purpofes, and alfo the
oaths to government which are prefcribed by the conftitution; and the faid in-
fpector of the port of Chefter fhall have the fame allowance for the infpections of
flour as by the faid act is appointed and provided.
C H A P.
V. And be it enacted, That all and fingular the fections, claufes, provisions
and penalties, in anywife relating to the infpection of flour and examination of
calks, which arc contained in the faid act, entitled, An act to prevent the expor-
tation of bread and flour not merchantable, and for other purpofes, be and they
are hereby extended to the port of Chefter, and to the regulation of the infpec-
tion of flour within faid port, in as full and ample a manner as if the fame had
been herein particularly fpecified and mentioned.
Sections, &c,
extended, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid chief juftice and affociate juftices, or
the major part of them, fhall meet, at fame convenient place within faid town,
between the firft and laft days of March next, and between the fame days yearly
and every year thereafter during the continuance of this act, and then and there
nominate and appoint a perfon of good repute, well fkilled in the goodnefs, qua-
lity and well curing of falted beef, pork and fifh, of every kind, to be infpectors
of falted provifions within the faid port for the year enfuing.
Juftices to
meet, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That every chief juftice and affociate juftice who
fhall vote fur the faid officer, before, he fhall proceed to the nomination and ap-
pointment of faid officer, fhall take the following oath, or affirmation if a qua-
ker, before fome juftice of the peace in Kent county, or each before the other,
viz, " I, A. B. do fwear, or affirm, that I will faithfully, honeftly and impar-
" tially, nominate and appoint fuch perfon to be infpector of falted provifions
" within the faid port of Chefter as I think in my judgment and confcience is fit
" and capable of executing the faid office ;" and in cafe of the death, refufal, or
neglect to act, of the faid perfon fo appointed infpector of falted provifions, his
vacancy fhall be filled up in the manner and as is herein before directed and pro-
vided in the cafe of the infpector of flour.
Chief juftice,
&c. to take
an oath, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That every infpedor of falted provifions who fhall
be nominated and appointed as aforefaid, before his executing any of the duties
of faid office, fhall qualify, by taking the oath, or making the affirmation, pre-
fcribed and directed by the fourteenth fection of the act paffed at November fef-
fion, feventeen hundred and eighty-fix, entitled, An act for the infpection of
falted provifions exported and imported from and to the town of Baltimore, and
alfo the feveral oaths or affirmations to government appointed by law; and the
faid infpector of falted provifions appointed in virtue of this act, fhall have the
fame allowance as by the aforefaid act is provided for the infpector of falted pro-
vifions within the town of Baltimore.
Infpector to
qualify, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That all and fingular the fections, claufes and provi-
fions, contained in the aforefaid act, entitled, An act for the infpection of falted
provifions exported and imported from and to the town of Baltimore, be and
they are hereby extended to the port of Chefter, and to the regulation of the in-
spection of falted provifions within the faid port, in as full and ample a manner
as it the fame had been herein particularly fpecified and mentioned.
Sections, &c,
extended, &c.
X. This act to be and continue in force until the twentieth day of October,
in the year eighteen hundred and one, and until the end of the next feffion of
affembly which fhall happen thereafter.