L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
head or heads brought before him by any perfon or perfons as aforefaid fhall be
and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to judge of the age of the faid wolf
or wolves of which the faid head, or heads was brought before him, and if fuch
juftice fhall believe the age, of fuch wolf or wolves to exceed fix months, that
then he fhall diftinguifh it in his certificate by the words Old Wolf or wolves,
but if he fhall believe the faid wolf or wolves to, be under the age of fix months.
that he fhall diftinguifh the fame in his certificate by the words Young Wolf or
wolves; and that every juftice before whom any wolf's head is brought, and by
whom a certificate fhall be given as aforefaid, is hereby authorifed and directed
immediately to, caufe the ears to be cut off, and the tongue to be taken out of
and from the head or heads of fuch wolf or wolves, to prevent fuch head or heads
from being a fecond time carried before a juftice in order to obtain a certificate.
Perfons to be
allowed, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That every perfon or perfons who fhall produce a cer-
tificate as aforefaid to the juftices of Baltimore county at the levy court fhall, for
every old wolf's head, be allowed forty dollars, and for every young wolf's head
be allowed ten dollars, to be by the faid juftices affeffed and levied in the county
levy, together with the fheriff's commiffion for collecting the fame, and to be
paid by the fheriff to fuch perfon or perfons as fhall be entitled to the fame as
aforefaid, any thing in any other law to the contrary notwithftanding.
IV. This act to continue for two years, and to the end of the next feffion of
affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to prevent the exportation of flour and faked provifions
not merchantable from the port of Chefter,
WHEREAS the town of Chefter by feveral acts of congrefs, has been
erected into a port of entry and delivery, and regulations are neceffary
to prevent the exportation. of unmerchantable flour; therefore,
Juftices to
meet, &c.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chief juftice
and the affociate juftices of Kent county, or the major part of them, fhall meet
at fome convenient place in faid port between the firft and laft days of March
next, and between the firft and laft days of March yearly and every year there-
after, during the continuance, of this, act, and then and there nominate and ap-
point a perfon of good repute, and fkilled in the goodnefs and quality of flour,
to be infpector of flour within the port for the year enfuing.
And take an
oath, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That every chief juftice and affociate juftice who fhall
vote for faid officer fhall take the following oath, or affirmation if a quaker,
before he fhall proceed to the nomination and appointment of the faid officer,
before fome juftice of the peace for the county aforefaid, or each before the other;
"I, A. B. do fwear, or affirm, that I will faithfully, honeftly and impartially,
" nominate and appoint fuch perfon to be infpector of flour within the port of
" Chefter as I think in my judgment and confcience is fit and capable of exe-
" cuting the office ;" and in cafe of the death, refufal, or the neglect to act of
fuch officer fo appointed, the faid chief juftice and affociate juftices, or a major
part of them, fhall, as foon as may be thereafter, meet together and appoint one
other fuch perfon as aforefaid in the place of the perfon fo dead, refufing or
neglecting to act, for the refidue of the year; and if the faid, chief juftice and
affociate juftices fhall neglect and omit to nominate and appoint the faid officer as
aforefaid, then the governor and council may appoint fuch officer, who fhall be
qualified agreeably to the directions of this act, and have the like power and au-
thority as if he had been nominated and appointed by the faid chief juftice and
affociate juftices.
Infpectors to
take the oath,
IV. And be it enacted, That every infpector of flour who fhall be nominated
or appointed as aforefaid, fhall, before; his executing any of the duties of faid
office, take the oath, or make the affirmation if a quaker, before a juftice of the