J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.
feveral counties of this ftate, or who may hereafter be appointed in virtue of this
act, fhall receive, as a compenfation for his fervices, as follows, viz. For the
firft diftrict, at the rate of one thoufand three hundred dollars per annum; for
the fecond diftrict, at the rate of one thoufand three hundred dollars per annum;
for the third diftrict, at the rate of one thoufand four hundred dollars per
annum; for the fourth diftrict, at the rate of one thoufand three hundred dollars
per annum; for the fifth diftrict, at the rate of one thoufand three hundred dol-
lars per annum; and the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall and he is hereby au-
thorifed and directed to pay quarterly, out of any unappropriated money which
may be in the treafury, to each of the chief juftices, or to his order, the falary
which by law he is entitled to receive.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That the taxes to be paid by the directions of the act
to which this is a fupplement fhall be paid to the clerks of the refpective county
courts at the time of iffuing the faid procefs or commiffions, or of entering the
faid appeals, or producing the faid writs of error, habeas corpus, or certiorari,
by the perfons applying for the faid procefs or commiffions, or defining the faid
appeal to be entered, or producing the faid writs of error, habeas corpus or certio-
rari, and fhall be allowed and taxed in the cofts of fuits; and the clerk of every
county fhall, every fix months, fettle his accounts, on oath or affirmation, with
the treafurer of his refpective fhore, and fhall pay the fum adjufted to the faid
treafurer; and every county clerk may retain at the rate of three per cent, for his
trouble in receiving and paying the faid fees according to this act; and it fhall be
the duty of the faid refpective clerks, at or before the clofe of each respective
term, and before the returns required by the faid original act fhall be made to
the faid refpective treafurers, to prefent a true, plain and correct lift of the feveral
taxes impofed upon the faid procefs and law proceedings, and receivable by them,
to the juftices of their refpective courts, for their examination and approbation ;
and if upon the examination of fuch lift, and the correction thereof, if neceffary,
the fame fhall be approved, the fame fhall be fubfcribed by them, or by the chief
juftice alone, or by the affociate juftices, and the grofs amount of taxes therein
contained fhall be certified immediately thereafter by the faid chief juftice, or by
the affociate juftices, to the treafurer of their refpective fhore; and every lift fo
fubfcribed fhall be returned, and the amount of taxes therein contained fhall be
paid, within the fpace of fifteen days after the fubfcription thereof as aforefaid by
the faid clerks, to the refpective treafurers; and if any of the faid clerks fhall
refufe or neglect to prefent a true, plain and correct lift of the faid taxes in man-
ner aforefaid, or to return the fame as herein before directed to the faid refpective
treafurers, every fuch clerk fhall forfeit and pay the fum of one hundred dollars
for every offence.
To whom the
taxes are to
be paid, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the levy court for the feveral
counties, at the time of laying their county affeffment for the year feventeen
hundred and ninety-eight, and every year thereafter, fhall afcertain the amount
of the money collected in their county from the tax herein before impofed, by a
certificate from the clerk of their county, and thereupon the faid juftices, after
deducting the fum fo paid by their clerk, fhall lay fuch fum on their county as
will make up the deficiency of the fum payable by their county as aforefaid to-
wards the annual allowance to the chief juftice of their diftrict, and commiffion
of fix per cent, for collection; and if there fhall be any furplus of the money
paid into the treafury by the clerk of any county beyond what will pay the quota
of fuch county, the faid furplus fhall be applied to the ufe of the faid county.
juftices to af-
certain the
amount, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That all monies levied by the juftices of the levy court
in the feveral counties of this ftate towards paying the falaries of the faid chief
juftices, fhall hereafter be paid by the fheriffs or collectors collecting the fame to
the treafurer of their refpective fhore, and if any collector or clerk fhall not pay
the money intrufted to his collection by virtue of this act to the treafurer of his
refpective fhore, within thirty days after the fame fhall become due, it fhall be
lawful for the faid treafurer to file an attefted copy of fuch collector's bond, or a
proved account of the fum due from fuch clerk, in the general court of the
Monies to be
paid to the