JOHN HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
the faid James Hickley, been all citizens of this ftate; provided always, that
nothing in this act fhall in any manner affect any right or claim to the faid pro-
perty by any citizen of this or any of the United States; provided alfo, that the
faid Sarah Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley and Robert Hickley, in order to entitle
themfelves to the benefits of this act, fhall take the oath of naturalization re-
quired by the laws of this ftate on or before the firft of June, feventeen hundred
and ninety-eight.
C H A P.
C H A P. V.
An ACT for the deftruction of crows and fquirrels in Queen-
Anne's county.
WHEREAS it has been reprefented to this general affembly, by the
petition of fundry inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county, that they
fuffer very extenfive injury from the ravages committed on their crops
by crows and fquirrels; and the faid inhabitants have prayed that a law may pafs
to encourage their deftruction,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any perfon
refiding in Queen-Anne's county fhall carry to any juftice of the peace of the
faid county the head or heads of any crow or crows, or the fcalp or fcalps of
any fquirrel or fquirrels, fuch perfon fhall be allowed, in the levy of the faid
county, for every crow's head the fum of fix cents, and for every fquirrel's fcalp
the fum of three cents, and the juftice of the peace before whom fuch head or
heads, fcalp or fcalps, fhall be brought, is hereby required to give the perfon
bringing the fame a certificate thereof, and caufe the faid head or heads, fcalp or
fcalps, to be burnt, or otherwife deftroyed.
Perfons to be
allowed, &c.
III. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted, That no perfon fhall be en-
titled to any allowance for any fuch head or heads, fcalp or fcalps, without firft
making oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may be, or otherwife fatisfy the faid
juftice, that fuch crow or crows, fquirrel or fquirrels, was or were killed in the
faid county, and that no certificate hath been obtained from any other juftice of
the peace for the fame; and that it fhall be the duty of each and every juftice of
the peace before whom fuch head or heads, fcalp or fcalps, fhall or may be
brought in virtue of this act, to take and receive the oath, or affirmation, of the
perfon bringing the fame, free and clear from all charges againft the perfon
making fuch oath, or affirmation, any thing to the contrary hereof in any law
IV. This act to continue and be in force till the twentieth day of October,
eighteen hundred.
C H A P. VI.
An ACT to encourage the deftruction of wolves in Baltimore
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that wolves are
very numerous and mifchievous in the county aforefaid, and that
they deftroy a great number of fheep, therefore,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That when and as
often as any credible free perfon or perfons fhall bring before any juftice of the
peace for Baltimore county the head or heads of any wolf or wolves, and make
oath, or affirmation if a quaker, menonift or tunker, that the wolf or wolves of
which he or they produce the head or heads were actually caught and killed
within the limits of Baltimore county within fix days next before the producing
the fame to fuch juftice, that then fuch juftice fhall and he is hereby authorifed
and directed to give fuch perfon or perfons producing the fame a certificate for
fuch head or heads produced and proved as aforefaid, and in fuch certificate to
mention the oath or affirmation taken, and therein diftinguifhed how many of the
heads are of old or young wolves; and every juftice who fhall have any wolves
Juftice to give
a certificate,