LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
may compofe, the militia of faid county, to meet and exercife (at fuch place or
places in faid county as the field officers of faid county may deem convenient,) in
battalion or companies, as may be moft expedient, inftead of the meeting in re-
giment as directed by the fourteenth fection of the act to regulate and difcipline
the militia of this ftate.
Perfons liable
to fines, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the perfons compofing, or who may compofe,
the militia of faid county, fhall be liable to the fame fines and forfeitures for not
attending at fuch meeting or meetings appointed by virtue of this act, as they
would heretofore have been liable to in not attending the meetings in regiment or
battalions as eftablifhed by law.
One meeting
in battalion.
IV. And be it enacted, That the field officers of faid county fhall not direct
more than one meeting of each battalion in faid county in any one year.
V. This act to continue and be in force during the continuance and force of
the act, entitled, An act to regulate and difcipline the militia of this ftate.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P. IV.
An ACT for the benefit of Sarah Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley,
Robert Hickley, Thomas Hickley and Samuel Hickley.
WHEREAS Sarah Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley, Robert Hickley,
Thomas Hickley and Samuel Hickley, of Baltimore city, have by
their humble petition fet forth, that James Hickley, the hufband of
the faid Sarah Hickley, and father of the faid Mary Anne Hickley, Robert
Hickley, Thomas Hickley and Samuel Hickley, being a British fubject, removed
with his family to the ftate of Pennsylvania about the year of our Lord one
thoufand feven hundred and eighty-four, where he refided, and about the year
one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-fix removed with his family to Baltimore-
town in this ftate, where he refided until his death, which happened in the
month of February laft, and during his refidence in Baltimore aforefaid he pur-
chafed, in fee-fimple, part of a lot of ground then in the faid town, but now in
the city of Baltimore aforefaid, known and diftinguifhed by the number fix
hundred and twenty-two, and alfo purchafed two lots or parcels of ground in the
faid town which were held under leafes for ninety-nine years, renewable for ever,
at yearly rents, but all the purchafe money not being paid thereof, the faid lots
were not legally conveyed to the faid James Hickley in his life-time; that the
faid James Hickley died inteftate, leaving the petitioner, Sarah Hickley, his
widow, and the petitioners, Mary Anne Hickley and Robert Hickley, born in
England, and Thomas Hickley, and Samuel Hickley, an infant child by the
faid Sarah Hickley, born in this ftate, and letters of adminiftration of the per-
fonal eftate of the faid James Hickley were granted to his faid widow, and that
it did not certainly appear that the faid James Hickley had been naturalized, and
that Doctor Edward Johnfon had efeheated the faid real eftate for the benefit of
the petitioners; that the faid real and perfonal eftate, fo left by the faid James
Hickley, was the whole fupport of the petitioners, and praying, that under the
circumftances of their cafe, the general affembly would pafs a law in favour of
the faid petitioners, vefting in them the faid real and perfonal property of which
the faid James Hickley died feized and poffeffed, in as full and ample manner as
by the acts of affembly of this ftate have been directed as to the citizens thereof
dying inteftate, and their widows and children born therein: And whereas this
general affembly have thought proper to grant the faid petition,
S. Hickley
&c. to hold
property, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Sarah
Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley, Robert Hickley, Thomas Hickley and Samuel
Hickley, fhall have, hold, poffefs and enjoy, whatever real and perfonal property
the faid James Hickley died feized or poffeffed of, or entitled to in law or equity,
at the time of his death, in this ftate aforefaid, in as full and ample manner as if
the faid James Hickley, and the faid Sarah Hickley, Mary Anne Hickley, Robert
Hickley, Thomas Hickley and Samuel Hickley, had, at the time of the death of