An ACT to appoint a truftee In the place of John Cradock, of
Baltimore county, who is dead.
WHEREAS William Lamar, by his petition to the general affembly,
has fet forth, that William Wilkinfon and John Cradock, of Balti-
more county, were empowered by an act that paffed in November
feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-one, to fell part of a tract of land called
Whifkey Ridge, now called Addition to Whifkey Ridge, the property of John
Worthington, deceafed, for the purpofe of dividing the fame between the repre-
fentatives of the faid John Worthington, and that the faid William Wilkinfon
died before any fale was made; and that an act of affembly paffed in the year
feventeen hundred and eighty-three, appointing Samuel Owings as truftee in the
place of faid William Wilkinfon, deceafed, vefting in faid Samuel Owings as
full and ample power and authority to execute the truft committed to the faid
William Wilkinfon and John Cradock by the faid act, as was committed to the
faid Samuel Owings, in conjunction with faid John Cradock, and that all acts
done by the faid Samuel Owings, in conjunction with the faid John Cradock,
fhould be valid and effectual to all intents and purpofes as if the fame had been
done by faid William Wilkinfon; and that the faid John Cradock and Samuel
Owings, appointed under the act of affembly laft mentioned, fold the land afore-
faid agreeably to faid act, and that the faid William Lamar became the pur-
chafer; that before the faid William Lamar obtained a deed, the faid John
Cradock, joint truftee with faid Samuel Owings, died: And whereas the faid
William Lamar has prayed that fome perfon may be appointed in the place of
the faid John Cradock, to act in conjunction with the faid Samuel Owings, to
carry into effect the terms of fale made in purfuance of the act of affembly, en-
titled, An act to appoint a truftee in the place of William Wilkinfon, of Balti-
more county, who is dead ;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That William Owings
be and he is hereby appointed a truftee in the place of John Cradock, deceafed,
and that the faid William Owings be vefted with as full and ample power and
authority to execute the truft committed to the faid Samuel Owings and John
Cradock by the faid recited act, as was committed to the faid John Cradock
thereby, and that all acts done by faid William Owings, in conjunction with the
faid Samuel Owings, in execution of the faid truft, be as valid and effectual, to
all intents and purpofes, as if the fame had been done by the faid John Cradock.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
A truftee ap-
pointed, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the levy court
of faid county be and they are hereby empowered and directed to levy and affefs,
at their next feffion, on the affeffable property of faid county, fuch fum of
money as fhall appear to faid court to be, due to the faid commiffioners, and alfo
the commiffion for the collection of the fame, provided that the fame do not
exceed four hundred dollars.
Court to le-
vy money,
C H A P. L.
An ACT to make a temporary allowance to the judges of the
general court, in addition to their permanent falaries.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chief judge
of the general court fhall be entitled to receive four hundred dollars, and
the other two judges fhall each be entitled to receive fix hundred and fix-
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.