LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
ty-fix dollars and two thirds of a dollar, in addition to the feveral permanent
falaries fecured to them by law.
When to be
II. And be it enacted, That the feveral fums aforefaid fhall be paid to the re-
fpective judges aforefaid at the fame time, and in the fame manner, during the
continuance of this act, as their feveral permanent falaries are by law directed to
be paid.
III. This act to continue and be in force till the twentieth of October,
eighteen hundred, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly that fhall hap-
pen thereafter.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
Several acts
Taxes to con-
tinue, &c.
C H A P. LI.
An ACT to continue certain acts relative to the high court of
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act for the amendment of the law, paffed at November feffion, feven-
teen hundred and feventy-three, and an act, entitled, An act for enlarging
the powers of the high court of chancery, paffed at November feffion, feven-
teen hundred and eighty-five, and the feveral fupplementary acts to the faid act
for enlarging the powers of the high court of chancery, be and they are hereby
continued, and they fhall remain in force for and during the term of feven years,
and until the end of the feffion which fhall firft take place after the expiration of
the faid term; provided, that nothing in any of the faid acts contained, contrary
to any fubfequent act or law, fhall be conftrued to have any force or operation.
II. And be it enacted, That the feveral taxes and duties for feals and fervices
in the faid court and in the land-office, impofed and required to be paid by an
act, entitled, An act for eftablifhing and fecuring the falary of the chancellor,
pa fled at November feffion, feven teen hundred and ninety-two, fhall continue to
be exacted and paid during the term aforefaid, and until the end of the feffion
which fhall thereafter firft take place; and that every part of the act laft men-
tioned, relative to the faid taxes and duties, fhall continue and remain in force
during the time aforefaid.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
C H A P . LII.
An ACT to incorporate the German evangelical reformed church
in the city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS the German evangelical reformed church in the city of
Baltimore, by their petition to this general affembly, have prayed
that they may be incorporated, with powers adequate to the regula-
tion of their temporal concerns, and with authority to take, hold and poffefs
property fufficient for the fupport of their minifter, for the repairing and keeping
in repair their church, for building and keeping in repair a fchool-houfe, and for
other fecular matters appertaining to their fociety; therefore,
Perfons in-
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That William Ot-
terbine, (the prefent minifter,) Peter Hoffman, Philip Bier and Chriftian Mat-
theuit, (the prefent elders,) John Shultz, Henry Bender and Thomas Cronemiller,
(the prefent truftees,) with all the prefent members, and alfo thofe that here-
after may become members of the faid congregation, fhall be, and they are here-
by declared to be, one body politic and corporate, by the name and ftyle of The
Elders, Truftees and Members, of the German Evangelical Reformed Church
in the City of Baltimore, and by that name and ftyle fhall have perpetual fuccef-
fion, and fhall be capable in law to fue and be fued, to plead and be impleaded,
in any court of law or equity within this ftate, or elfewhere, and to make,
change and alter at pleafure, a common leal, and fhall be able and capable here-
after to purchafe, receive, hold and enjoy, any eftate or donation, real, perfonal
or mixed, not exceeding fix thousand dollars.