J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.
collected, in the fame manner as herein before directed, and when fo collected,
fhall be paid by the collector to the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, or to their
order under their common feal, who are hereby, authorifed and required to receive
and apply the fame to and for the ufe, benefit and charge, of maintaining the faid
poor, vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and offenders, in the purchafing. provifions,
and other neceffaries for ufe and labour, in paying a doctor for his attendance,
medicines and advice, in providing men and women fervants and nurfes, to be
under the direction and management of the overfeer of fuch alms and work-
houfe, who fhall be appointed by virtue of this act, and the act to which this Is
a fupplement, and in purchafing materials for the ufe and employment of all
beggars, vagrants, vagabonds and offenders, who fhall be able to work, and who
fhall be committed by virtue of the act to which this is a fupplement.
C H A P.
XII. And be it enacted, That all and fingular the perfons appointed truftees
of the poor of Wafhington county by the act to which this is a fupplement, and
who have neglected or refilled to qualify as truftee or truftees, in the manner by
the faid act prefcribed, fhall be, and are hereby declared to be, exonerated and
difcharged of and from all fines, penalties and forfeitures, by them incurred by
reafon of fuch refufal or neglect.
Perfons ex-
onerated, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That the truftees herein before appointed, and their
fucceffors, and each and every of them, fhall be and are hereby authorifed and
empowered to retain in their hands refpectively, out of the fum or fums of money
which fhall or may be affeffed, levied and collected, by virtue of this act, the
fum of thirty dollars annually, as a compenfation for their fervices as truftees of
the poor of the county of Washington aforefaid, as long as they continue to act
as fuch.
Truftees to
retain money,
XIV. And be it enacted, That all penalties and forfeitures by this act impofed
fhall be recoverable by the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, by the name afore-
faid, before any juftice of the peace, and applied to the ufe of the poor of the
faid county of Washington in fuch manner as the faid truftees, and their fuc-
ceffors, may direct.
How penal-
ties, &c. are
to be reco-
vered, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That the fecond, third, fourth, fifth, fixth, feventh,
eighth and ninth fections of the act of affembly, entitled, An act for the relief
the poor of Washington county, (and to which this act is a fupplement,) be
and the fame are hereby abrogated and repealed.
Parts of an
act repealed.
An ACT to incorporate the members of the library company of
WHEREAS the eftablifhment of public libraries, under judicious regu-
lations, cannot fail to promote the diffusion of ufeful knowledge and
the interefts of virtue, and to prove greatly beneficial to fociety :
And whereas this general affembly is defirous to aid and encourage every under-
taking tending to produce thefe effects: And whereas fundry perfons in the city of
Baltimore,, and its vicinity, have formed themfelves into a company, and efta-
blifhed a library therein; therefore,
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the aforefaid
perfons, and fuch other perfons as they may hereafter admit into their company,
agreeably to fuch rules and by-laws as they may eftablifh for the beneficial and
orderly management of their institution, fhall be, and they, and their fucceffors
and affigns, are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and body
politic, for ever hereafter, by the name and ftyle of the Library Company of
Baltimore, and by that name, they fhall be and are hereby made able and capable
in law to have, purchafe, receive, poffefs, enjoy and retain, to them and their
fucceffors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, penfions, and other hereditaments,
in fee-fimple, or for a term of years, life, lives or otherwife, and alfo goods,
Perfons in-