LAWS of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
thought neceffary by the faid truftees, or their fucceffors, for the purpofes men-
tioned and intended by this act, and the act to which this is a fupplement, not
exceeding two thoufand dollars, together with the collector's commiffion on each
fum of fix per centum for collecting the fame; which faid rate or affeffment
as aforefaid to be affeffed and levied, fhall be collected by the collector of the
county in the fame manner, and at the fame time, as the county rate is collect-
ed, and when fo as aforefaid collected, fhall be paid by the faid collector to the
faid truftees, and their fucceffors, who are hereby authorifed and required to re-
ceive and apply the fame to the ufes and , purpofes herein after directed.
Truftees to
land, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, fhall be
and they are hereby authorifed, directed and required, to purchafe, in fee-fimple,
by the name aforefaid, a piece or quantity of land in the faid county, not ex-
ceeding feven acres, and fituate and being as near and as convenient as may be to
the court-houfe of faid county, and not exceeding feven miles therefrom, and to
agree and contract with a workman or workmen to undertake, erect, build, and
in a workman-like manner to complete and finifh, on the faid land, when fo
purchafed, a good, ftrong, fufficient and convenient houfe, for the reception of
the poor of the faid county, and of fuch vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and of-
fenders, as fhall be committed thereto by virtue of the act to which this is a
fupplement, and they fhall appropriate one part thereof, to be called the alms-
houfe, to and for the reception and lodging of the poor of the faid county, and
another part or parts thereof, to be called the work-houfe, and for the reception
and lodging of all fuch vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and offenders, as fhall be
committed thereto by virtue of the act to which this is a fupplement, and the
aforefaid land and houfe fhall be, and are hereby declared to be, vefted in the
faid truftees, and their fucceffors, for ever, for the ufes and purpofes by this act
directed and expreffed, and the act to which this is a fupplement.
Draw on the
collector, &c.
IX. And, to enable the faid truftees to purchafe the faid land, to erect an alms
and work-houfe thereon, and for other purpofes mentioned and directed in this
aft, and the act to which this is a fupplement, Be it enacted, That the faid
' truftees, and their fucceffors, be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered,
from time to time, as occafion may require, to draw upon the collector of the
faid county for all and any part -of the money which fhall or may be affeffed,
levied and collected, by virtue of this act, and the act to which this is a fup-
plement, and which fhall or may be or remain in the hands of the faid col-
And purchafe
beds, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That the faid truftees, or the major part of them,
fhall and they are hereby authorifed, directed and required, after the houfe afore-
faid fhall be completely erected and finifhed, to buy and purchafe, for the
and employment of the poor of faid county, and of the vagrants, beggars, va-
gabonds and offenders, who fhall be committed thereto by virtue of the act to
which this is a fupplement, beds, bedding, working tools, kitchen utenfils,
cows, horfes, and other neceffaries; to keep a fair, diftinct and clear account, in
writing, of all the monies by them received and expended by virtue of this act,
and the act to which this is a fupplement, and to return a true copy thereof, on
oath, and fhew and produce the vouchers to fupport the fame, to the juftices of
faid county, at their May courts yearly, to be by the faid juftices infpected
and examined; which faid accounts fhall be lodged with the clerk of the faid
Juftices to le-
vy money,
XI. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the faid county fhall and they
are hereby empowered and directed to affefs and levy in the year eighteen hundred,
and annually for ever thereafter, on all the property in faid county fubject and
liable to affeffment at the time of laying their county rate, fuch fum of current
money as by the faid truftees, and their fucceffors, may be thought neceffary
not exceeding three fhillings and nine-pence on every hundred pounds of pro-
perty as aforefaid in faid county, together with the collector's commiffion, of fix
per cent, for collecting the fame; which faid affeffment fhall be made, levied and