C H A P.
chattels and effects, of what nature, kind or quality foever, and the fame to
grant, demife, alien or difpofe of, and by the name aforefaid to do and execute
all other things touching the fame; provided, that the clear yearly value of the
real eftate of faid corporation, exclufive of any houfe which they may hereafter
poffefs for the keeping of the books, maps and other effects of the company,
exceed not the fum of one thoufand dollars.
may fue, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid company, and their fucceffors, by the
aforefaid name, fhall be for ever hereafter able and capable in law to fue and be
fued, plead and be impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered, defend and be defended,
in any courts of record, or any other place whatfoever, and alfo to make, have
and ufe, a common feal, and the fame to break, alter and renew, at pleafure,
and alfo to affemble and meet at fuch times and places as they may agree upon
and publicly notify, and by a majority of the voices of thofe attending to ordain,
eftablifh and put in execution, fuch by-laws, ordinances and regulations, as to
them fhall feem neceffary and convenient for the government of the company,
the fame not being contrary to the laws of this ftate, or of the United States,
and generally to do and execute all fuch acts, matters and things, as to them
fhall or may appertain to do.
Officers to
continue, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That until there fhall be, under this act, an election
of officers neceffary to the ends of the inftitution, thofe now acting, or who may
be hereafter appointed to act under any exifting regulations of the company, fhall
continue fo to do, according to the provifions heretofore made, and fuch regula-
tions fhall, till lawfully altered, be deemed as valid and obligatory as if mads
fince the paffage of this act.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT for the benefit of Phebe Martin and Prifcilla Martin.
WHEREAS Phebe Martin and Prifcilla Martin, of Allegany county,
have by their petition fet forth, that John Martin, the hufband of
faid Phebe Martin, and father of faid Prifcilla Martin, being a
British fubject, removed to this ftate in the year feventeen hundred and eighty-
five, and refided in Allegany county until his death, which happened in the year
feventeen hundred and ninety-five; that during his refidence in faid county he
affected by warrant feveral fmall tracts of land, to wit: One tract called Racoon
Bottom, containing about twenty-fix and three quarter acres, and the Refurvey
on Racoon Bottom, containing forty-two acres, alfo, Pleafant Hill, containing
about thirty-five acres, another called Martin's Profpect, containing about feven
and three quarter acres, and one other called Martin's Luck, containing about
fix acres, and compounded on the fame, but died before he obtained patents for
the fame; that the faid John Martin died inteftate, leaving the petitioner, Phebe
Martin, his widow, and the petitioner, Prifcilla Martin, an infant child by the
faid Phebe Martin, born in this ftate, and that it does not appear that the faid
John Martin has been naturalized, and praying the general affembly would pafs
a law empowering the chancellor of the ftate of Maryland to direct a patent to
iffue for the lands fo affected by warrant, in the fame manner he might or could
do provided the faid John Martin had, at the time of his death, been a citizen
of this ftate ;
A patent to
iffue, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
of this ftate be authorifed and empowered to direct a patent to iffue to and in the
name of the faid Prifcilla Martin, of and for the lands above mentioned, in the
fame manner he might or could have done agreeably to the laws of this ftate in
cafe the faid John Martin had been, at the time of his death, a citizen of this
ftate; provided always, that nothing in this act contained fhall be conftrued in
any manner to affect any right or claim to the faid property acquired by any per-
fon or perfons before the paffage of this act.