JOHN H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.
foldier and inftead fhares, by inferting number thirty-five; by erafing number
one thoufand one hundred and ninety-nine, fet oppofite to the name of Thomas
Burch, foldier, and inftead thereof by inferting one thoufand one hundred and
forty-nine, by erafing number one thoufand nine hundred and nine, fet oppofite
to the name of John Holliday, foldier, and inftead thereof by inferring number
one thoufand fix hundred and nine; by erafing number three hundred and ninety-
eight, fet oppofite to the name of Samuel Hughes, foldier, and inftead thereof
by inferting number three hundred and eighty-nine; by erafing number two
hundred and fixty-feven, fet oppofite to the name of David Jones, foldier, and
inftead thereof by inferting number two hundred and fixty-nine; by erafing
number three thoufand and two, fet oppofite to the name of Thomas Randall,
foldier, and inftead thereof by inferting number three thoufand one hundred and
two; by erafing number two thoufand five hundred and eighty-fix, let oppofite
the name of Peter Fountain, foldier, and inftead thereof by inferting number
two thoufand four hundred and eighty-fix; by erafing number one thoufand four
hundred and feventy-four, fet opposite to the name of Solomon Green, foldier
and inftead thereof by inferting number one thoufand four hundred and feventy-
feven; by erafing numbers two thoufand fix hundred and twenty, two thoufand
fix hundred and twenty-two, and two thoufand fix hundred and twenty-one, let
oppofite to the name of Peter Tittle, fettler, and inftead thereof by inferting
numbers three thoufand fix hundred and twenty, three thoufand fix hundred and
twenty-one, and three thoufand fix hundred and twenty-two; by erafing number
one thoufand three hundred and fifty-four, fet oppofite to the name of Jofeph
Roberts, foldier, and inftead thereof by inferting number three thousand one
hundred and fifty-four; by erafing number one thoufand four hundred and
eighteen, fet oppofite to the name of William Murdock, officer, and inftead
thereof by inferting number two thoufand four hundred and eighteen; by erafing
the name of Jacob Salvefter, fet oppofite to number one hundred and forty-three,
and inftead thereof by inferting the name of Job Salvefter; by erafing number
one thoufand nine hundred and thirteen, fet oppofite the name of Edward Legg,
a foldier, and inftead thereof by inferting one thoufand fix hundred and thirteen.
C H A P.
III. And be it enacted, That on a written agreement being entered into by and
between John Nepton and John Seigler, fettlers, their heirs or legal reprefenta-
tives, and acknowledged before a juftice of the peace for Allegany county, af-
certaining the proper proprietor of the lot three thoufand feven hundred and
forty fix,- which agreement being produced to the faid regifter, he is hereby au-
thorifed and required to correct the return conformably to the faid agreement,
and inftead of the number erafed to infert number three thoufand feven hundred
and forty-eight, an unappropriated lot, as belonging to the perfon whole number
is erroneoufly returned.
On agree-
ment, return
to be correct-
ed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the feveral and refpective lots changed and ap-
propriated in virtue of this act fhall be held by the perfons whofe retries are fet
oppofite to them, or their legal reprefentatives, in lieu of thofe originally noted,
as fully and effectually as if they had been allotted and awarded by the commif-
fioners aforefaid.
Lots changed
to be held,
V. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners of the tax for Allegany county
fhall before the next collection of the county affeffment, charge and levy on the
refpective perfons, or their legal reprefentatives, a proportionate affeffment on the
lots directed by this act to be allotted to them, inftead of thofe formerly returned.
And to be af-
feffed, &c.
An ACT to authorife and empower the lew court of Montgomery
county to affefs and levy annually a fum of money for the fup-
port of Jemima Thompfon.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
WHEREAS, Jemima Thompfon, of Montgomery county, by her peti-
tion to the general affembly hath fet forth, that fhe is in her old age,
and entirely deprived of the ufe of her limbs, by frequent attacks of